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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. 4 hours ago, junglechef said:


    Not sure what that means (sarcasm perhaps??)


    Aristotle did say about why women's blood is thicker then a mans'


    "Their coldness thickens, binds, congeals and joins it together'"


    I know off-topic but definitely good TV banter for a Sunday morning :sleep:





    only joking......Ari-stole -this ............

    No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness.
    Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/aristotle148490.html

  2. 7 hours ago, junglechef said:

    The origin of sauce was to cover the taste of food, usually rotting meat.


    Thought to be first commonly used by the Romans in 200 AD

    Yes, this is exact .

    before there was no rotting meat,so no sauce needed.(Aristolethis)

  3. On 5/27/2017 at 6:18 AM, thaiguzzi said:

    Not really. I don't find her attractive either.

    As the thread is about "sexy" and "model" jobs, the post is relevant. IMO a lot of these "Pretties" are not, er, pretty.

    real beauty has nothing to do with : nose jobs,contact lenses , chin corrections, boob jobs, hair extensions,skin whitening,

    Bud-jobs ,air-correction ,botox lips,botox cheeks .......no this is all artificial, and most men look down on those puppets.

    These puppets are very selfish , expensive and are best in taking selfies.

    Real beauties dont need all of these,they are even sexy in a old dirty dress with uncombed hair and they dont need to take selfies to show off.

    Sadly not found a lot anymore. 

  4. what is a beach without clean water?

    17 years here and i never saw clean water there .

    In the weekends half of BKK is parked double there .......

    Place to avoid i would say.....unless you have no other option and like 

    the quality tourism ..............

  5. 6 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    I am not a sauce user myself.

       I remember one time in my teens overhearing a person say to another when the sauce was passed to him...." No thanks, I never use sauce, when I put it on something all I can taste is the sauce".

      For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about what he said and it made so much sense to me I never used sauce again.

       If ever I' m asked why I don' t use it I give the very same reason I overheard all those years ago.

    sometimes you just not want the taste of this "something" and then i put good tasting sauce on it ...

    btw there is only 3 sauces in Thailand : the stinky one , the chili one , and the sweet one .....or a mixture of those....

    I prefer the sweet -hot-stinky one .......with the red dress..........



  6. 7 hours ago, tracker1 said:


    translate "merit"as "money"

    so it is making money.

    The bird is the culprit ......i explain :

    After you release him he returns voluntarily ,yep, just watch him.

    So the bird was not caught , he actually lives in this little cage ,has a blue book , 30 baht cart .......( some have a private jet?)

    He is " released " about 20(or more) times a day, providing at least 1000 bath a day ........with this money the bird pays a 

    Thai man to speak to tourists ,to clean his little house and to bring his food.

    It is the bird who caught the Thai man !

    Smart birds ! ( not to confuse with the hot dumb birds)



  7. Imagine you have cash money in your house .....still a problem ,you can not get out to buy something ,

    so give your wife your bankcard and pin nr ,

    she will take your money........you only have to ask her 1 time ......

    you will not have to repeat yourself.

    In a short while you will not have a money problem anymore, nor a card.......life can be easy.


  8. No jail for these jokers.........

    As punishment they have to sit each on that wooden elephant for 3 weeks during 

    opening times of that restaurant .

    Round their neck a plate : "I tried to steel this wooden elephant " 

    Imagine all the  pictures  on Face Book,....news papers........

    They did not really want to steal , it was ment as a joke ...........well give them a joke ,see who is laughing ?

  9. this happened on a crossroad ,no traffic sign nor  traffic lights and no priority marks on the road........the 2 roads are of same good quality (cracked   concrete )and importance..........

    in this case ,in most countries (also in UK) there is way of right.

    The taxi driver came from the right ,and ,IMO had way of right .

    The other car is more expensive and also claimed way of right.

    The whole argument is about way of right, and nobody seems to know the answer to this

    question in Thailand.Although many crossroads are like this and this rule is of most of importance in

    case of doubt ,as this is .

    I asked this question in the drivers licence center in Pattaya:some did not understand my question , some say :who comes first can go first?? or "big truck go first" or "fast truck go first"......There is a writing of the king where is written "way of left"........some years i look for this answer.

    So if nobody knows it ,i am very careful and dont take any risk,i will stop if nobody is driving behind me !

    BTW "Mem Pho Dam" means "ace of spades" 


  10. the question to ask : "did he bother me?" Not by taking pills or heroin,not bothered by a gun in a bag.

    It does not inflict my eating,sleeping......no problem for me .


    If he keeps me up at night with loud music,or let his dog shit in front of my house   ......well ,than he bothers me .

    People endangering my life on the road , .......these are things that have to be corrected .

    But people who want to endanger their own life ????/ Let them overdose .......this also does not bother me .

    Freedom is ,do what you want without bothering other people .

    Does the police arrest these guys because they are concerned about their health ?Or the health of their clients?

    Or because addicted people cost money to the state?( i dont know if they give a shit about what happens to them ...so)

    Or because they make easy money ?

    I guess it is the money .......always the money.

    to end : i would rather see a crackdown on street dogs, disturbing noises,stinking pollution cars  ,...a crackdown on restaurant waiters who can not remember what you order ,annoying vendors on the beach, .........fill in  100 yourself .




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