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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. 51 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    For 10k to 20k you get quite serious stuff.

    But maybe you will have the problem to get it (discreetly) to your place as such safes would weigh 100kg up.

    I would avoid any plastic/electronic gadget things.

    Buy one with 4 wheel (number) rotary lock plus mechanical key.

    Kind like this:


    If you break into this in 2 minutes let me know and I have to invest.

    The thing in the picture is from the OfficeMate catalog, weighs 53 kg and cost 5300 Baht.


    OfficeMate shops only have a small selection on stock.

    You would have to discuss how to order another model.


    look on internet (u tube) how to open about any safe sold in Thailand,

    also the type in the picture above . The small ones i can open in 3 sec without any tool (just look

    the clip and try it) the more complicated ones can take e few minutes !

    The light ones are just picked up and taken away, a medium crowbar  will free up the bolted in the floor(wall)ones........

    A 120 kilo safe can be carried in ( so also out) by my wife and sister.........using 2 little floor mats.....

    So ...........a 500kg one ????? Hopefully you are not at home when they come in to steal it, because you will have to open it with a knife on your throat.

    So final advise : buy a small one , they can take away , put 1000 bht in it ,dont hide it .

    The real goodies are not kept in the house ,or hide them smartly.........look again on u tube for ideas

    By the way....what is your adres ????  

  2. 10 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    Not true about warranty issues. Our LG washing machine with a 10 year warranty on the motor had problems after 7 years and LG send their people out and replaced the motor for free. Samsung A7 mother board packed up at 10 months was replaced for free under their warranty. Desk top computers CPU broke after 3 months replaced under warranty. Triton's electrical window had problem replaced by them.

    You are the most lucky guy i know.....or you are 20y old , blond and have the body of.......

  3. As with everything you buy here, there is a big smile when you pay,

    the moment there is a problem (even warranty ) they try to send you 

    away........we no do repair ,you go to dealer .........

    Sadly,you dont have a choice ......100 000 or more scooters and 10 technicians to repair them.....

    Lucky that 90% of the Thai people never need to repair their scooter ,

    they never need to change oil and their tires last until they burst.

    Ever seen a 2 year old scooter not farang owned ? lol. 

  4. 12 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    But, as in many other similar cases, they will probably be given bail and disappear into some adjacent country ! I know of no other country where murderers, tried, found guilty and sentenced to death, are given bail. Amazing Thailand indeed.

    Sadly these killers have no money to pay bail

    and probably nor their family or friends .

    So to save these killers , money is needed ......how will their family or friends raise

    this bail money?????

    Killing and stealing some more?????

    Best is to solve the problem quickly.

  5. 6 hours ago, Prbkk said:

    But of course it doesn't act as a deterrent, proven time after time around the world. It might meet the need for vengeance, might make people feel safer...but it will not serve any useful purpose .

    yes, it does.

    They will not do it again !

    imagine they go to jail, escape and do it again !

    It could be you or your child !

    So ,the only solution for killers like this ,is kill them as fast as possible .

  6. 3 minutes ago, sandrew33 said:


    Hahaha.. Mate, I live here and support myself and my family. Although I don't do it on a pension. I also work and occasionally like to go out. The two are not incompatible. The issue I was addressing, which you've beautifully underscored, is the smug sanctimonious old (of mind) lifers who give many farangs a bad name, love to moan, and think their shit doesn't stink. How are you remotely impacted by bars staying open 2 hours later? Your simply aren't. And if you really knew anything about Thailand and Thais you'd understand that in Bangkok most of these impacted bars & clubs are heavily used by Thai, many of whom finish work lateish, have a long commute home and can't actually get out until 10ish, so midnight closing is killer for them. 


    But hey, you keep lecturing the rest of us who haven't become that crusty old bastard who knows it all. Sure. 



    i'm sorry for your family, such a rude person .

  7. 1 hour ago, sandrew33 said:


    Here come the TV old fuddies this site is famous for ????

    this side is also famous for older people who have the means to stay here and raise

    a family, for people who dont have to show off or have to impress young ladies.

    Normal people who like to sleep on normal hours.

    So not only for tourists,acting as successful  , witch have to save up a year to spend it here in a few weeks and go home 

    poor as they were .

    Lets see how many likes this gets?


    • Like 2
  8.  land size written i hieroglyphics ????


    No, it is just written in Thai language, witch you obviously dont master .

    You also dont master hieroglyphics...........

    So you only master English...........and your daughter probably speaks Thai and English fluently ?

    Later ,since you are new here, you will probably réalise that your wife is the owner of your land (and ev. house),......

    so be a good boy and dont make your wife angry........she knows how to read hieroglyphics .........

    Maby you can start here:Afbeeldingsresultaat voor thai numbershttps://www.google.es/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj1ibyG_JXUAhXBOxoKHT4oAqcQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fblogs.transparent.com%2Fthai%2Fmath-in-thai%2F&psig=AFQjCNHTv39HaaeHGdxukxZDvM4PzQRjAA&ust=1496177067231988

    It is not so difficult, your daughter can help you with these simple  things.

    I wish you the best , i was just joking.




  9. 8 hours ago, Gumballl said:


    Wherever the OP is from, the education must have been just as bad.  Think about it... a wise farang would not raise his kids in Thailand.

    a wise farang will raise his kids in Thailand......

    in a public school.

    If not , his kids will stay stupid , i mean ,they will never be able to" write and read" Thai......and, 

    as their father, only speak 1 language ,witch is very stupid in a non English country.His kids will never be able to compete 

    with farang kids who can read and write Thai,English,and French and Flemish and Spanish.....as smart farang - kids do.

    The smart farang will teach his children at least 3 more languages ,because he is able to do it himself.

    Those kids will be the next generation bosses , and those who can only speak Thai and English will be the small workers.

    Imagine a business where the boss can not fluently read,write and speak Thai ......he has no controle at all, can not be understood properly and will not understand what his workers tell him .

    No private school  will teach your farang-Thai children to write and read  Thai properly,they dont spend their time on it .

    This is only my opinion, smart people will know what to do .


  10. 17 hours ago, tazly said:

    Shoes in the house is very dirty.....do you clean the dog droppings of the bottom before your enter

    No, not the dog  droppings........but the durian i accidentally stept in  ...........

    I have house shoes ......or did you think i walk barefoot like a monkey?

  11. 10 hours ago, tazly said:

    you said all hotels, now you say one?  Besides it smells great.

    It stinks,

    I forbid everyone  to bring it into my home or into my car,

    if they want to eat it ,ok, but if i smell it , they can not come in my house.

    Same thing for bamboo cooking...not in my house.

    And i dont care what others think about this.

    My house -my rules

    btw i do wear my shoes in my house.



  12. On 5/24/2017 at 0:40 AM, Somtamnication said:

    Plenty of them. Try  www.gobackhome.com.:thumbsup:

    yes,plenty of fat Europeaan ladies go to Thailand to find a Europeaan man who came here to look for a skinny Thai -lady,

    should not  be a problem.............if you ever find him , spoil him ,because you wont find another.

  13. 2 hours ago, twizzian said:

    Got bitten on the ankle by a large Centipede here some years ago whilst going out for an evening walk, just after it stopped raining.

    Very painful experience & couldn't walk properly for 3 days even though I was given antibiotics, painkillers and Tetanus injection.

    Nasty aggressive creatures!

    It is normal you can not walk for 3 days.......if you take antibiotics+painkillers+Tetanus injections.........

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