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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. 4 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    Many private hospitals will change 1.5 to 4 x what lower priced drug stores do so if for repeated medications almost always best to buy outside hospital.  But that codiene is not a normal over the counter drug (most drugs are) so you would require paperwork to obtain I suspect.


    I would be careful but normally drugs are real here (except the blue pill types) but best to use a high volume drug store and if possible one located in, or having, full time airconditioning or a local store who know you and willing to order for you when required.

    more than 50 % off all drugs is a copy ,sometimes even working .This reminder hangs out in many hospitals.

  2. 2 hours ago, descc71 said:

    Thank you for your advice.


    The business is already profitable and I have already received back what I put in. I am just looking to formalize the structure of the partnership and am therefore looking for the best way to formalize it, and pay taxes on dividends without having to have a work permit if that is possible.

    you are unbelievable lucky, you have back what you put in ........high time to stop now !

    The next step is loosing every thing.....your wife ...your house....your sanity.......


  3. On 5/18/2017 at 9:59 AM, Bangna Betty said:

    Very scary to be bitten like that. I hope she heals quickly.

    An interesting issue with soi dogs - many people are motivated to feed the soi dogs and feel sorry for them.  But for the rest of the time NO-ONE is taking any responsibility for them.  There is a kindly person feeding soi dogs near us and while I understand his desire to help, he should understand that by feeding them he is creating a pack of dogs and it is the local community that has to put up with the dog poo all over the place, the barking and the fighting. 

    What is the solution to the soi dog problem? 

    The logic solutions are against the law ........

    So you can do nothing against this problem ......nor any other problem (like : noisy neighbors,overhanging trees ,dog shit 

    on your doorstep, parking on front of your garage, loud motorcycles waking you up every night......+100 more)

    Even if you buy a quiet piece of land ,with no houses around ......as soon as your house is build .....Thai or other noisy people will come live near to you and make your life miserable .......... 

    That's why i sold my house and moved to a more civilized country,and only come on a holiday  to please my wife.

    This was my logical solution and i feel very happy now.

    When i read these stories ,it confirms my solution was a good one.

    No more swimming against the stream.


  4. 13 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


    She is smart to drive on the wrong side of the road? (and without light?)


    When living in LoS it is perhaps adviceable to adjust to Thai custom, but to call it smart to drive on the wrong side of the road is overdoing it.


    I never walk in the same direction of trafic,because i dont want to be hit by any drunk idiot in my back.i keep my eye on the trafic coming to me.if needed i can jump away in time.

    This is done also in europe.

  5. The last picture are pieces of a 747 .

    You can see them next to hgw 7 when you come out of Pattaya.About 1km past the first new "take a ticket"to BKK.

    I stopped there 6 months ago and spoke with the owner .He intends to make a hotel of it.


    • Like 2
  6. No clear view when you leave your property.

    Clear away some plants and you will have a clear view and others 

    will see your car more early. The bicycle could not see your car until you 

    hit her.Very dangerous  ,before you can see anything,you have to move too far out.

    She is very smart to drive (also walk)on that side ,she can see the trafic come.

    she could not see trough the bushes and spot your car though ,unless she has an

    x-ray ...............

    Only my opinion. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    Well I know it as a "whirly bird" extractor.Sure it helps but its minimal as are vents under eaves.

    I am saying this living in a 20 years old brick 2 bedroom ,single story house with a single layer of bricks,no cavity wall .cement rendered inside.


    Big mistake to buy the house ....the bricks heat up even though they are not exposed to direct sunlight ,its more like a pizza oven principle.


    Yes I could spend a lot of ,money with insulation in the ceiling (we have brown tiles which suck in the heat) and I could put a sprinkler on the roof ,quite common in Australia for bush fire reasons but I doubt it would make great difference. Only other option is mister jets to cool the walls.


    With temps expected to continue to rise ,its probaly easier to spend the money on using the air con more often.


    To close I enquired re insulation being sprayed under our roof in Bangkok 10 years ago.The company refused to give me the  name and phone no of someone who had the service done so I smelt a rat.As it turned out that was one of my better decisons

    The best against heath is a straw roof and no walls..........this is exactly what my parents-in -law have......and a cold drink of course ............


  8. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    You obviously think you're smart, so I don't really wish to criticise you, but when you say "Welch" I presume you're inferring to the Welsh language/dialect?

    Just asking

    I spoke about "accents"....and Welch people speak English with a different accent than Irish people.Welch " language" is since 2011 de jure official in the United Kingdom. About 20% of Wales natives can speak it , very sad it is not imposed in the schools. In Belgium (Flemish part)4 languages are imposed ,this is the strikt minimum  .Are you more smart if you speak multiple languages.......maybe.....maybe not. I live 17 years in Thailand ,have children in school.Have friends with children in all kind of schools .......so i can only speak out of experience   . If you want your children to write and read fluently Thai.......send them to a public school.And learn your children some extra languages yourselves.  ( my opinion )

    Hope i did not offended you.





  9. the Thai-language is difficult .Especially  the writing.

    example. if you speak the word " holidays" it will be written first like  "l s d h " and the vowels   o,i and a will be written later in front /above/under.....So the consonants are written first (sometimes in a different order than spoken )and later the accents come above ,under .....)

    This makes it unbelievable difficult,more exceptions then rules.

    The kids in school learn all this by repetition( also to get the right tone) ,they say these words thousand of times , so after 6 years they know how to write (a little).That's what takes so much time .So children in international schools will never learn to read and write Thai language  properly ,they just have not the time for it.They will be fluent in English writing and reading and speak as fluent as there teacher ( can be cockney ,Welch or another accent ,depending the teacher,lol.)  

    English is a lot easier to speak,but also very illogical in writing .

    the pronunciation of the vowels is also swapped many times :" i" in idee and "i" in "in"    

    "a" in ape and "a" in avalanche

     Also confusing: 61 sixty-1 (speak it as you read it)

                                  16 six-teen  Speak it as you read it inverse 

    It is easy if you know it ,but as a scholar it can be quiet confusing.

    this all is just an adumbration , there is much more ..........






  10. 2 hours ago, Foozool said:

    If you are going to do it by yourself :

    just measure the area of under the roof and then go to Mega Home (better prices and more products) or Home Pro. Buy a roll or rolls of insulation( padding and aluminum). They come in different thickness. I would go with just average thickness. Not too thick, not too thin. Unless you don't mind the price. 

    Just lay it flat over gypsum board of ceiling. No space between and don't miss any area. Glue it to gypsum board if needed (not too much of glue). 

    Be pationt, do it right, you don't have to finish it in one day. 

    I don't like spray foams for ceiling, could become problem later for ceiling lights or in I case if you need to access any wiring on the ceiling. 

    this is the right way to do it.

    The air under the roof is heated up , if no circulation (because you spray something under the tiles) is goes up to 60 cel !

    This hot air will heat up your plasterboard-ceiling......and this is the reason your room is so hot.

    So any insulation has to be done on top of your ceiling ,not under the roof.

    If you choose spraying foam (expensive ) in your ceiling ,it must be at least 20 cm thick ! Not 3 cm as in cold Europe.

    The insulation can only keep the heat out a certain amount of time.(R-value) So the longer you need protection ...the thicker (or denser)the insulation needs to be . In Thailand it could mean 24 h in april !!!

    Spinners in the roof are helping ,choose the best quality and check the work or you will have leaks. 

     Reflective foil, if installed correctly.....read this good.... and" facing an open air space"..thus not directly under the roof tiles facing the tiles!!!!!!!, can also act as a radiant barrier

    All the rest is ............

  11. 5 hours ago, TheLobster said:

    These sort of guys are giving criminals a bad name

    They give real British people a bad name.

    I did not recognize a Brit between those 4 ?

    If there was no picture it would confuse people ,witch is probably the purpose in Europe now.

    If my dog is born in a horse stable,must i call him a horse ?( 4 horses attacked a sheep and killed it with their sharp theet .......confusing or not?)

    Just call them as they are: African -Immigrants born in England , nothing wrong with those words.


  12. 22 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

    What a boring, dull and sterile place they are tying to turn Bangkok in to. 

    yes, very dull....al those normal people who can not sleep at night ,school children who have to wake 

    up at 6 am to go to school,how dull is this .

    Solution to you: go live next to a loud karaoke -bar ?or an illegal party house ? It will keep you up all night

    ........never a dull moment.

    With your  comment  you made yourself loose your face for ever........

  13. Who's mistake?

    In Thailand....nobody made a mistake.

    It is karma .

    Before you go on the street ,you know there are no rules that will protect you.

    A green light doesn't mean it is safe to go.......anybody who is in a hurry will ignore a red light....and smash into you.

    A wide 3 lane road with low traffic doesn't mean it is a safe and easy drive......a bus could stand still on the fast lane to 

    let some old lady out,she will step from behind the bus without looking ......while a fast motorcycle slams in your trunk because he was looking messages on his cellphone.......it can all happen in 2 seconds.

    People crossing in a bend .......happens all the time.

    Right of way in Thailand ?????no body knows .Some say it doesn't exist.....the left ....the right ....the first come first go...

    the bigger go first....the faster go first....the idiots go first???? It is not important here witch is correct......you must understand that if the other car driver might have another opinion than you .....you will have an accident....and if you survive......the judge will choose who will pay for all of this .

    Also understand that many people are not afraid of dying ,they are protected by a higher force.

    They dont have to drive defensive,need no helmet ,can drive 1 handed ,holding a baby while smoking and texting on their

    cellphone.that's why they dont need an insurance , a driving licence  nor a number plate.

    So if you set foot ,or drive in Thailand .........the risk is high......finger pointing to idiot drivers will not save you......you

    know the risk so try to survive .....if not ....it is probably nobody's mistake, it's just  karma . 


  14. In the 16 y i live here..........

    i saw a rain season where it rained 5 days in six months..........

    also some years where it rained nearly every day from april till november.....

    Some tips: if you wash your car ....it will rain next day (even in januari)

                        if you have a party outdoors with a grilled pig.....watch the sky !!!( new years eve no exception)

                        never take the rain suit out of you motorcycle......you will regret it. 

  15. 7 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    I thought when I left home that was the end of small talk about the weather.

    the weather is like the Thai driver in front of you......

    you never know what he will do .....but it will sure be a surprise


  16. On 5/11/2017 at 11:51 AM, fruitman said:

    I agree, those people probably will say maibenlai and make a new baby tonight..who are we to judge them?


    But i live in a upscale estate and there it's the same story, open drains, open naked wires who even give fireworks during rain...exploding transformers, rabies soidogs......


    Even the elite don't have safe private estates because nobody cares.

    the ELITE are the same people .....just more money

  17. On 5/11/2017 at 9:58 AM, johng said:

    They let her out with her older brother to go buy sweets from a shop in the building opposite..while the brother was buying sweets the little girl wondered off behind the sweet shop building and fell down the hole...this is a government run "council estate" (UK analogy) where many young families live, the kids are quite often sent out to buy sweets or groceries on their own !

    Her OLDER brother was 5 years old........look at the fam.picture

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