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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. The open drain was in front of a shop,because it could be seen on CCTV.

    So hundreds of neighbors did see this before and did nothing.

    The poor child family  did see it too.

    They all knew there was a dangerous point .........

    Would you as father send 2 children to this shop???????

    I dont think so.

    Would you  send them on a 125 cc scooter without light and no 

    brakes to a safer shop to buy your cigarettes or booze?.....i dont think so........not we . 

    But some people do ,for them this is all normal.

    Who are we to judge over them.

  2. when busses drive in a convoy they are protected by "higher hand"

    They will not stop for red lights,rail crossings,animals ,people .....they will continue their

    holy trip at the highest possible speed .

    Sane people know this and will never put 1 foot on a bus (nor taxi)

    Even if they don't have a car ,sane people will not risk their lives.

    They will look ahead and plan a safer way ,even if it means going on foot ,renting a car .....

  3. They should maybe start by telling their own media how biased and manipulative are. Most media in Europe and states are in hands of same lobby.

    This colonialist mentality should stop from western governments and many of their citizens who need to wake up and stop trying to show others what they should do.

    Well said !

    Learn to deal with the reality,and that's what people here want to see.

    • Like 1
  4. time to put a dash -cam with audio in your car ,

    so you can prove that you are stopped without reason ,

    and put on film the false accusations of speed or too long right lane driving .

    Never open your window and keep your doors locked.

    Write down his uniform-number (if there is one)

    And start making extra video with your phone ,try to get his face on film.

    he can only get to you if he uses his gun ,and he wont risk a second "koh Tao".

  5. Islam can be what it wants .

    Let them have sharia in their part of the world.

    BUT....kick every moslim (who is not working and properly adapted

    to our western ideas )OUT of OUR countries (europe ,australia...usa......)

    We wont do business whit them ,no consulates ,not help missions ,no immigrations on whatever ground...nothing .

    If good meaning moslims dont feel safe there....well they will have to put up a fight themselves or obey to

    the stronger group.

    We wont report on the news about them.Let them do in their part what they want .

    "we " can not find a solution to their problems ,so we must stay away.

    "Importing them into our country only creates the same problems for us ,AND we dont want that !

    If they cross our borders ...nuke them .

    It is verry drastique ,but cutting of heads is also ,or do i miss something?

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