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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. I was sitting in a roadside restaurant last week, when a Russian man aged about 30 sat down at the next table. When the boy came over to take his order, he ordered just rice. It was delivered and then he covered it with ketchup. The owner came over and told him that he could not order just rice, if he did, he would have to pay 20baht. He pointed to the menu where it said 10 baht. Only with food she said. So he left without eating the rice.

    I am not sure if this counts as CC, but I thought it was pretty sad.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app


    May i ask how u knew he was russian?????

    Yep, could be a cheap charly english guy who speaks russian !Or not ?coffee1.gif Next dumb question?

  2. A Cheap Charly is a "balloon chaser".

    He drives arround and when he spots a bar with a lot of balloons he knows there is free food and probably a few rings of the bell.

    Even if he normaly never goes to that bar (because he only buys beer in a smal shop around 32bht)that night he will be the first to

    start loading food on his plate ,and even ask for a doggy bag .(i'm not joking!)

    If possible he will leave on a busy moment without paying his first and only beer bill.

    And the birthday- lady will not get 10 bht from him ,since he is allergic to tips .coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  3. A decent honest government??????? Is there any country on this planet who has a decent honest government? But, seriously, is there? I would think politicians are the same everywhere.

    "don't blame the politicians for your problems. they are merely a reflection of yourselves"

    (prot, 1995)

    read your name and dont BS

    Politicians is the worst mafia in the world.(shit 1995)coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  4. looks like brand new tractors, unlike agricultural machinery which is seen in the countryside.

    somebody lend them to the farmers?

    also it looks like there are several groups, each with a different objective. It seems somebody is playing politics, instead for the farmers to represent themselves.

    those national flags on the tractors are worrying, a nationalist card is played too often in thai politics, always against interests of the majority

    Toxin sold them these on credit (10%/month) nobody could pay back in 1 y time ,so they all lost their "chanout" and now have to lease

    the land from Toxin .Do you still wonder why these farmers vote for Toxin ? Well if they dont ,the lease contract will be ended.

    Politic is so simple coffee1.gif

  5. WTH?!? Fine the offending company, force them to do the clean up, make payments to residents for the suffering, then shut them down permanently!


    You have to learn a lot !

    The ceo of the noodle company paid to do this !(poluting)

    And the involved politician will "take care of it"

    Later the ceo of the noodle comp. will ask for millions of compensation (which he will be granted (and parted) by the same politician.

    That's how it works here and in any other country.coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  6. ok; look at this photo,

    whose side do u think the sniper is on??


    Possibly not very intelligent posts will be forthcoming...

    Look at the lenght of his arm ,the hand is almost touching his knee,so it is a monkey walking back to his cage and

    his keepers have a batton? There exist also "dolphins" trained by the army ,but they were eaten on the first day of protest.coffee1.gif

  7. first the politicians suck out the country,

    When they are caught ,they escape and regain power with the stolen money(votes

    are bought)Then they start looting again.

    If the people protest.....shoot at them and chase them away.

    The shooting is not done by politicians sons ,no, for that the politicians force the small people sons to shoot at their own kind.

    And we discuss this ?coffee1.gif

  8. Here you have to forget the driving rules !

    It is even dangerous to drive like that !

    Defensive driving is driving arround as if the other cars are trying to hit you.

    They will cut your line from every direction,panic brake in front of you.......

    pretend to turn left (with the lights ) and turn right....

    open their door the moment you pass them....

    Don't feel safe with green lights !

    cement trucks jumping out of the central reserve.....

    So if you have an accident it is YOUR mistake !You are warned ,lol coffee1.gif

  9. this was not a bank run.

    A bank run is when people go en masse to a bank and withdraw their own money.Here is was (schould be ) farmers taking a loan on a very profitable intrest.

    80 ritch (smart) people took these about 725 000 bht loans and put the on an other bank for better intrest and so just making money.

    there are about 1 milj farmers who wait for their money,but this has nothing to do with what happened today.That is a number in the billions not this small pissmoney

    of today.coffee1.gif

  10. The original poster's responses, phonetically in English:

    1. rawang nawy na .... man praw' bang (lit. "please be careful, it's fragile")

    2. nuat bao bao ... yaa chai raeng maak (lit. "massage softly, don't use much strength")

    No. 1's right on the money, don't forget the "khrap" or "na khrap" at the end of the sentence.As for no. 2, you could say,"Bao bao noi, da mai, jaah?".

    To get the right meaning OP would have to say 2: Bao bao noi, dai mai, khrap? Worked for me before, might be wrong.

    Right, the "noi" makes the request sound smoother and more pleasant, and the krap should close the statement or request to make it polite. Without the krap it sounds harsh in Thai ears.

    the moment you show him 500 bht ...he will not listen to your " crap"-phom.

    Or is your language teacher massaging you?coffee1.gif

  11. your roof acts as a big megaphone !

    Insulate your ceiling (not the roof itself)

    Double walls are very good but keep the cavity empty,unless you want mice

    make a holliday resort from you insulation and you will hear the moving arround the whole night !)

    Best of all is dont live near busy streets! before you rent or build:check out the location ,are there empty plots near you?(they will start building there

    soon and it will be noisy and stay noisy if it becomes a karioke bar or a garrage (anex paint cabin )

    Check your future neibourghs ,thai? children? DOGS !!!!

    If you buy land ,buy at least 1 rai and put the house in the middle and a lot of big trees arround .

    Or stick to the simple solution from above ,alcohol and go to bed at 4am .


  12. france????

    Half of france went with the germans in 40-45 .

    Following the defeat in June 1940, President Albert Lebrun appointed Marshal Pétain as premier.

    Marshal Pétain " collaborated" with the German occupying forces in exchange for an agreement not to divide France between the Axis powers(Germany,Italyand Japan)

    It would have been a good idea to devide France between germany and Italy,because the population would have spoken now at least 2 languages ! Now the poor french

    have to go on holliday in theier ex-colonies to make themselves understandable OR learn english or spanish or portugese ...........

    Am i right or not ?

    aux armes citoyens !


  13. Yeah, let's rearrange the global borders to before 1785...

    Well apart from this being a generally stupid idea, it would actually leave us in an interesting position, especially Great Britain with colonies, a pre-Napolean German Alliance, and all oil in the hands of those who actually use it. Oh, and Palestine under the Ottomans, I believe.

    But then we'd say silly things such as "the East Roman Empire was stolen by the Turks a couple centuries ago, no wonder the Italians are restless."

    sadly it will never happen,england will not rule the waves annymore,

    it is reverse now, the poor ex-conquered people are now flooding england (india,pakistan,......)

    they come and will get back what is stolen from their ancestors ,they will slowly take over ,just by numbers !

    And nobody can stop this wave !

    Start learning arabique,it will be the nr 1 language in europe .

  14. Since innocents are dying every day, why not begin to stack the odds against all Muslims and make a clear statement.

    No more non-Muslim innocents. We can't find you among your masses. You all look the same. So, rather instead of you killing our innocents, and the death of innocents is impossible to prevent as long as Islamic people's breed haters like this, then we are going to begin a clean sweep of every Muslim we come across until they begin to forsake their demon god and come crawling to us with information leading to your whereabouts.

    Until that happens, then (and since the death of innocents is a moot point) we are going to wipe you off the face of the earth and every Muslim into the bargain until you begin to behave sensibly and and cease and desist this murderous behavior.

    People die every day. Only cowards allow life to make it into a lottery.

    Heroes turn the lottery into a barrel of apples and make it so decent people can move on in life.

    Watch "Taken" to get an idea of how I feel if someone were to hurt one of my own.

    None of this makes sense, but this is how I feel at the moment, so please forgive me.

    a true crusader must know that he ran off the map !coffee1.gif


  15. It's not about revenge. It's about terror. Kill a monk before a Buddhist holiday and strike fear in the hearts of the infidels. What a bunch of evil freaks. Allah Akbar you animals!

    maby you will think differently is you know:

    thailand stole the south provinces by force in 1785

    the population was forced to learn and speak thai (wich they hated)

    Bangkok send thousants of poor thai to those provices (to give the example)

    They tried to make them buddists(what a mistake)

    Now after hundreds of years ,they still resist ,and they will never give up.

    Imagine england conquered by germany and everybody has to learn and speak german .....

    Well ,go educate yourself a bid ,it is easy to find out on Wikipedia.............

    This time it is not the muslims who try to conquer,if they wished they would be in power in thailand for years!

    But they wont , because thailand doesn't give support to poor or children of immigrants ,like those stupid european countries do .

    I do agree with your"Allah Akbar you animals"

    Best solution :give the south regions back ,get the buddist thais out of there,leave them allone .

    It will save a lot of money and lives and will be good for the everybody exept the arm-traders and politicians.wai2.gif

    I do know the history of the South but thanks for the recap.

    It's been more than 200 hundred years, get over it. I do not believe a region should be allowed to break off from a country just because they want to.

    Well they dont get over it ,that is obvious.

    200 year was not enough to make them turn into buddists,so lets wait another 200 year?

    Give the stolen land back and the problem is solved !

    Somr big thais will loose their face ,but thats ok for me .thumbsup.gif

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