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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. Was there a few years ago (with wife and 2 kids)

    lost 2 hours looking for a hotel near the center and near the beach,

    nothing clean below 4000 bht/night

    Turned the car and went to Cha Aam :lovely room ,big ,new,ac, 800bht/night

    on the beach road!

    They dont have a beach road in Hua Inn !

    We loved it !

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours of waiting time on airport immigr. yesterday.

    full plane loads of Russians ,Indies ,........

    The Russians tried to pass through the Thai-passports-only,

    few were send back,those who were send back ,tried it again and again

    until they finely succeeded !They are not impressed if imm. officers tell them to

    go away,they talk back in russian and the officers back down.

    Next time i will try this also .(nash drovja ,ya sem yalen , ....)

  3. If you rent out for example 1 y,give them a reduction of 20%,

    they pay in advance 12 times the renting price + 2 months of deposit.

    Otherwise i don't rent out .

    (and yes ,the good renter will do this)

    I never had any problem with cheap charlies.

    Some real estate comp.,bring you a client and ask 1 month comm. for a

    years contract ,and after 1 month the renter leaves the house and you can do

    nothing.So in those cases ,agree with the real estate guy that you will pay the comm

    monthly.He doesn't like it ....show him the door.

    I'm the boss,not him.

    • Like 2
  4. Just as an aside, the deadline for license applications for the 'Solar Rooftop' program have been extended until November 15 - if you get yourself into that program you'll be paid 6.95 Baht for each unit you feed into the grid.

    At the price, a grid-tie system seems to be the best way to implement a solar system, unless you want to go totally off-grid. If you need backup power, just implement a mains-charged UPS (charger, batteries, inverter and transfer switch) and let you solar generated electricity charge the batts via both meters wink.png

    if your solar panel is connected to the electric meter ,the meter automaticly turns backward.So your electric bill will be less.

    Why do you need additional licence ?

    Because you get paid more for the power you generate. Scheme registration is now closed anyway sad.png

    ok i understand ,but i will profit annyway "if " the meter turns backward?

  5. Just as an aside, the deadline for license applications for the 'Solar Rooftop' program have been extended until November 15 - if you get yourself into that program you'll be paid 6.95 Baht for each unit you feed into the grid.

    At the price, a grid-tie system seems to be the best way to implement a solar system, unless you want to go totally off-grid. If you need backup power, just implement a mains-charged UPS (charger, batteries, inverter and transfer switch) and let you solar generated electricity charge the batts via both meters wink.png

    if your solar panel is connected to the electric meter ,the meter automaticly turns backward.So your electric bill will be less.

    Why do you need additional licence ?

  6. I am an American living in Thailand....my neighbor is an Englishman.

    When I bought the property next to him ... I went by to introduce myself and say "Hi"........his FIRST words to me were "I hear your a man not to be Trusted"

    What had he heard about you?

    Is your name Obama?

  7. The moment he lifts his T shirt and you see the gun,

    hit him as hard as you can on his nose,keep hitting,normally 1 or 2 blows

    is enough,remove his probably bb gun ,and leave the place.

    If some one tries to stop you.....lift you t-shirt, but beware.... it's not me !beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

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