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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. It's not about revenge. It's about terror. Kill a monk before a Buddhist holiday and strike fear in the hearts of the infidels. What a bunch of evil freaks. Allah Akbar you animals!

    maby you will think differently is you know:

    thailand stole the south provinces by force in 1785

    the population was forced to learn and speak thai (wich they hated)

    Bangkok send thousants of poor thai to those provices (to give the example)

    They tried to make them buddists(what a mistake)

    Now after hundreds of years ,they still resist ,and they will never give up.

    Imagine england conquered by germany and everybody has to learn and speak german .....

    Well ,go educate yourself a bid ,it is easy to find out on Wikipedia.............

    This time it is not the muslims who try to conquer,if they wished they would be in power in thailand for years!

    But they wont , because thailand doesn't give support to poor or children of immigrants ,like those stupid european countries do .

    I do agree with your"Allah Akbar you animals"

    Best solution :give the south regions back ,get the buddist thais out of there,leave them allone .

    It will save a lot of money and lives and will be good for the everybody exept the arm-traders and politicians.wai2.gif

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  2. all depends if the kid is going to stay here or will go back to england (or where ever) later.

    If the kid stays here ,the only place where it can learn to write and read and speak thai language is in a simple

    school next to a wat ,Here they start writing thai alfabet and english alfabet from the age of 3 !

    When they are 6 year old they can write quite good.(english and thai) The english speaking you have to learn them yourself ,

    just speak only english in the house is fine .

    In a private school they will never (never) learn to write and read thai .These schools are good to prepare them to a live in england.

    Imagine your child looking for a job here and can speak thai but not read and write it ?

    Later when they can write read and speak fluently thai and english (and preferbly also 2 other languages like mandarin and russian ) they

    will be on the top of any business .Only english speaking will be a handicapt in a wheelchair ,you can move but no good for business .

    (unless your father's name is Hilton or ......you know what i mean.)

    Dont react if you dont have children in a school over here,plz.

  3. who gave a 15y old this motorcycle?(unresponsible parents)

    Who let them drive away to do the teachers work?

    The teachers see them with 3 on a motorcycle ,only 1 helmet,under age,no driver licence (so no insurance!)and the teachers let them go (during school time)

    on a death run .

    Very normal in thailand , the teacher will not feel the slightest guild ,it's not his pombem .

    The only pombem is the (maby)cancelled camping trip ?coffee1.gif

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  4. Your GF must not be a poor country girl.

    Out there everyone - and lots of street vendors in the city - use those little clay pots topped by a grill. I've never watched the maid get it started, we do BBQ in our little roof garden, but can't imagine it's hard, she's no rocket scientist. She buys the charcoal in little bags for <50 baht from the corner dry goods shop.

    Oh &lt;deleted&gt; wym, so your telling us you can tell how much a person has in the bank by the type of bbq or campfire they start?

    sure !

    only people with BBQ from stainless steel (brinkmann,.......) have a bank account with big money.

    All clay pot users have one ,but not much on it .

    Those who burn also rubber tires and plastic bags ,dont have a brain ,so also no bank account .They have sex for a shot of thai wisky dough,lol .

    those who bbq on their roof.........well........cant believe what i write ,lol !coffee1.gifpartytime2.gif.pagespeed.ce.V_K7hML3fS.p

  5. my house has double walls (as in europe) if i hear a nok gow waw "in my garden" i close my window and

    gone with the noise .

    They start calling and then wait for an aswer (can come from far away) one of the 2(hopefuly yours) will fly to the other and then they ....hm...do something.

    If i can spot one ,he will fly into a led pellet,accidents happen.coffee1.gif

  6. 10 years here(yes ,i know my mistake) ,never used a bathbus (nor motorcycle taxi,nor mini bus ,nor big bus )

    never drive with my car in Pattaya center during the day,hate to wait and dangerous.

    Exept for shopping malls,what is there to see ? Nothing that i didn't see before.

    The beach water (also Jomtien) stinks,the beach with 1 milj rusty parasols ......bah !

    I know much better places (but will tell noboddy ) coffee1.gif

  7. quote:"if nothing else it will teach him to drive which will be far cheaper ......."

    Cheaper ???? Is your real name Charly?

    You are going to risk your sons life .......because it is "cheaper"?

    You are not looking for a good school but for the cheapest one ......so that will be yourself,

    teach him yourself that is the cheapest (not the safest but that's ok for you )


  8. the smart thai will open the lit and see that the "septic tank"( Not a hole in the ground ) is almost full to the top.

    If your septic tank is working well it looks like slowly cooking soup,it moves and doesn't smell that bad .

    This is how it should be ! Full ,yes! because it constantly overflows in the second chamber .

    Don't let the smart thai suck it empty ! Smile ,tell him everything is ok and send him away .

    If there is a problem with your "septic" tank ,you will smell or see it .Only then take action .

    In building permissions in thailand is stipulated that you have to use septic tanks with different chambers ,just a hole in the ground

    with some rings(see picture) is not legal anymore .


    this is what is required :


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