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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. soi dogs are a pest!

    They even hate each other !

    They are not there because of nature,

    but because of selfish humans who only like

    puppies and then kick them out.

    And because such id**ts ,we have to cope with all

    these aggressive dogs?

    The shit in front your door ,the noise,danger of accidents....

    Blue powder is the solution,available in every little shop.

    The dogs will be happy to be out of their misery,they also understand they don't belong there.

    They deserve a loving master and a safe home and healthy food.

    Maybe i will buy a nice small puppy?

  2. As everywhere in the world (also England,Australia,Africa,America,Europe...)there is priority of the right (except otherwise indicated)

    So if you see dammage on the left side of a car ,99% this car was in his right.

    In thai traffic rules is stipulated: motorcycles can only drive in the left hand side of the street .Occupying max 1 meter of space.I a car is parked in this space ,the motorcycle is not allowed to pas the parked vehicle on the right,but has to stop and Walk arround the car on the left side .

    This is the thai law,check it out in the books.Dont ask a police man ,they know nothing.

  3. something completely wrong whit the story.

    The pick-up makes a u turn .When he comes on the other side

    the motorcycle can crash on the "left" side of this pick-up .

    But he smashed on the "right" side ? (foto)

    So maybe the motorcycle wanted to overtake the Pick-up (on the fast lane ! a Mio? look at the foto.)

    The motorcycle driver did not see the car breaking to be able to do a u-turn? (regardless the blinkers were used or not)

    The motorcycle driver ,probl did see the intension of the car ,but believed that his "tattoo" and high tuned Mio would

    protect him?

    The pick-up driver just saw 1 white light (if the Mio's light was burning?)amids 100 other white lights in his rear-mirror.

    He did nothing wrong,or how do you suggest to make a u turn?

    The speeding (prepped-up)motorcycle was on the wrong lane ,too fast to adapt to traffic,he will not endanger innocent

    people anymore.

  4. can i import a 10 y old Peugeot from Belgium?

    Or is the income tax 200%?

    I bought it for 3000 eu so the tax would be 6000 eu ?

    The car is worth it.

    The answer is yes, no and no if it was a simple as that more UK cars would be there.

    Have you tried looking for one already there? Taldrod and thaicar would be a start.


    there are a few peugeot 307 for sale in Bkk,

    but they go over a milj bht for a 5 y old car,so i will forget it.

    thanks again for the good car sides.

  5. dont give money,

    give bottles of whiskey,

    just enough for the family to drink

    every day.(lets say 4 bottles for a 6 pers fam.)

    You also give clothes for your child,toys..

    But most important is the whiskey !

    Add an extra bottle each month.

    The whiskey is going to solve your problem !

    After 6 months you suddenly change the whiskey for

    water bottles and write your name and tel.nr on each bottle.

    A few days later they will phone you,asking for whiskey or money.

    Agree ! But your ex only has to sign the child over to you.

    (lawyer papers)

    The whole family will force her to sign the papers.

    After you have the child ,stop sending water bottles,

    Send one last time whiskey bottles,and write to my friends on them .

    Change your tel nr and move out of the region.

    Have a vasectomy and choose your next lady sober and more carefully .

    Finally send me a bottle of champane (and put your new tel nr on it )

    • Like 2
  6. Surin. Ban Kruit. Bang Saphan (south). Vong Duean (Samet). White Sands (Chang - I'm a sucker for this beach). Khao Lak. Use to love Chewang/Lamai, but too over developed now. Kinda the same thing with Chang. Khanom is pretty nice. I'd really like to visit Wua Laen some day. Along with Laem Mae Phim in Chantaburi.

    Soo many options!!

    Glad you havn't been to any of my favourites.

    I didn't list all of my favorites. thumbsup.gif

    For me dirty water makes a dirty beach,

    If i see stinking sewage canals enter on the White sand beach (North side)

    and all this shit water from the hotels and bungalows enter in the sea ,and

    small children playing in it ....i advise you to finish your beer ,go to the sea and fill

    the glass ,hold it to the sun and open your eyes.

    If you see 2 full glasses.......continue your dream.

    • Like 1
  7. people forget that without proper education (or wrong education) we

    are just animals.Look at nat geogr. In real nature animals kill

    every day ,some times without purpose,just for fun .Nature is cruel,

    has to be cruel ,or we were all extict long time ago.

    People are anti nature,make their own rules ,and living by these rules

    life is less cruel...for the lucky ones.But it does't take much to become wild again !

    Look at Syria,Pakistan,...streets of Chicago at night....fighting children....

    Some believe we are not animals because we have a polished outside,we wear clothes and have money ....?

    But deep inside we are common animals ,so dont be "shocked" if you see people behave like animals ,it's

    rather normal.


    • Like 1
  8. How do know the driver doze off ?

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    How do you know he didn't?

    Come on you conspiracy theorists, get your morning coffee down your neck and start typing.

    yes,u must be right ,comm'n lets start typing,doesn't matter what the facts are.

    They found a 3d russian near the car so probably there are more ,they were waiting for that car to show up !

    they were hiding behind a big corrupt tree and ....

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