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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. Why we continue speaking about an escaped criminal ,who lost his face years ago beeing kicked out of power by his own countrymen !

    Sentenced for billion theft and then fled and lost his face .

    They dont have to talk about him no more unless they arrest him and put him in jail .

    The only supporters he has are paid for it,so ignore them .

    Newspaper covers should be : why is this fugitive criminal not brought in ,sice they know where he is ?beatdeadhorse.gif

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  2. If the kid is going to live his life in Thailand and probably work also :send him as soon as possible to a "Thai-school" so he will be able to read and write the

    thai language perfectly by age of 12 .

    His english is your responsabillity,you teach him yourself or you pay an extra in school for english and chinese.

    if you speak english to him ,he will be just fine and the english alphabeth he will learn in the thai school aswell.

    If you send him to a privat school : he will never be able to write and read thai language.His english will be a slang,depending of the slang of his teacher (probably a postman in his earlier life) Priv schools are rediculeslly expensive and not worth the money ,your are better off with a privat theacher if you want the child to live his life in England.

    It's my opinion,and english is my 4th language ,so excuse me for my mistakes.

  3. I bet some of the members here have seen some crackers.

    I was told you should never smell a flower if you intend giving it to someone as it will bring them bad luck.

    i bought a flower neckless on the trafic lights ,my wife hangs it on the car mirror ,i take it in my hand and smell it ,she gets angry and says it not nice to smell

    the flowers..........i opened my window .....and trew them out ......

    Since then i never buy those flowers any more i use deodorant !lol beatdeadhorse.gif

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  4. the government is planning to increase child birth rate from an average 1.5 persons to 2.1 persons per family to build a balanced population, he said.

    I have a vision of red shirts in the bedroom, urging citizens to do their duty. Failure to do so will result in a hearing with one of Tarits well trained community justice professionals. Or, alternatively, they may burn your house down.

    if birthrate is under 2.......this population will disappear in a few genarations!

    2 couples (4 people )with each 1 baby ,results after 1 generation in 1 couple .So in 1generation(18years) half of the population is gone.Shocking isn't it ?

    2 couples with each 4 children ,will result after 1 generation in 12 people ,so from 2 to 12. So islam population multiplies 6 time in 1 generation ,this is

    verry fast,

    Today 2milj islam immigrants on total population of 9 milj in Belgium(fact).

    In 2045:from 6 milj authochtone belgiums to 1.5 milj and from 2 milj islam immigrants to 8 milj !!!!!!!

    Wonder who will run europe in 36 years ?

    That's why i chose to live here with my children ,europe is finished thats a fact .

    btw i'm not a racist .

  5. ep, me too - and I get sick of hearing "oh how the Thais love children so much", then reading this (again) and every day seeing kids on motorcycles with zero protection...pure hypocrisy, like so many things in this place

    If these are the people responsible for thailand's future, there is little hope.

    But there is hope!

    More and more half thai half farang children are born,so somehow the IQ is going to multiply with 100 (or more)

    this will be the smart generation .But they will have to get to the top ...and that will be not easy.

    "oh how the Thais love children so much........never seen ! They dont give a sh#t about any thing else than themselves !

    And if you counter them .......wach out for the kichen nife !beatdeadhorse.gif

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  6. If you pay now it will only be the beginning. The family will keep pushing for more. After you pay the engagment will more than likely evaporate. I am living now with my 3rd Thai lady. I set the rules from the very beginning (learned this at a cost) I give her a living allowance weekly and she sends money to the parents out of this monthly. She is a jewel. They are out there but hard to find.

    yes,i did find her also,and now you did .

    she's a jewel.

  7. Quite normal, also money. the more you give, the more "appreciation" you give the bride and parents.

    Just those things you have to do... unless your bride and her parents have a different mind set you may not have to do it.

    But also, not giving money or gold, will "look bad" for her parents in their town. so, if you trully believe she is honest and worth it, then you just do it.

    yes sure !

    do what the thai do: make the girl pregnant and than run off !That's why all those girls have allready 1 or more babies living with the grandparents.

    It's the custom here,didn"t you know?

    I was joking offcourse ,not all thai guys run off,some stay and die from alcoholic livers and the rest from crashing with motor cycles into beloved streetdogs.

    Now i'm not joking.

    • Like 1
  8. I've had my condo in Jomtien listed with about 5 RE agents and not one of them has ever given me a call.

    I even offered one of them a 50,000 bonus above commission. Nothing. They are more concerned with

    the new condos they are pumping. The re-sale market in Jomtien is dead. Only Russians buying and they

    only want cheap, new, under-a-million-baht condos. When the economies in Europe and America come back,

    we might see a return of activity. There hasn't been a falang buying a condo in my building in about 3 or 4 years.

    Yes ,it's sad.

    I can not understand that Jomtien is still prime location ?

    Is it the dirty beach and brown water ?

    All the sewerings of Pattaya,run down (as anny liquid does) or do you believe they pump the sewering shit upward to...???? a filtering station ?

    They exist ,but are or not active ,broke ,but surrely unefficient !

    Just look at the water quality arround Pattaya (idem Jomtien ) ,fill a clear glas an look in it .

    Still it amasses me they could even sell a muddy beach in Mon Awat and put nice skyscrapers whit a blue sea "in the brochures",and sell it!

    Location -lie, location-lie


  9. Well if the property market is picking up then perhaps someone knows a real estate agent that is moving properties. I want to leave and for obvious reasons would like to sell my villa. Any sensible pm's relevant to this would be greatly appreciated.

    Dont look for real estate agents ,mostly ammatuers,who hire thai lady's to do the work ,so......nothing is ever done ,they cant find your house ....

    Most of the real estate guys have their own projects and arn't intrested in others.

    Do an e-mail to 50 real estates and maybe 5 will answer and maybe 2 will come .

    Better to hang it out in Foodland ,Big C,.......

    Succes !beatdeadhorse.gif

  10. WOW I thought a forgiener could only own a condo


    this is a villa ,10 min from Pattaya -center.

    4 bed ,6 bath ,privat bar, privat sand beach with palmtrees ,is for sale for 11milj bath and still nobody

    is intrested.Mainly because the people find it "too far" from Pattaya.

    The real estate guys take more than 30 min to find my house ,because they are not prepared or cant read a gps

    So when the client gets out of that car after 30 or 45min ,he already decided not to buy even when they love the house.

    The price was 15 milj ,wnt down to 11 milj and .......maybe i have to lower to 1 milj ????????

    For now ,if clients arrive i ask they how long it took them to reach my house ,if more than 15 minutes,i dont let them in ,useless anny way.

    So property market ,it stinks.


  11. I thought I was so clever......need to provide a map to my home for my request for extension of temporary stay.

    Got all the other arsenal of paperwork ready......so I spent today using my navigational and slightly artistic skills to draw a freehand map so the immigration people can find my home. (Note: I live out in the sticks and no google map even knows where I am).

    I even used Thai writing, not that I can read it yet.....but the cruncher was.....a gate.

    To find my place one needs to turn left off a paved road onto a dirt road which is not very easy to see (especially for someone who has never been there before) lots of trees and bush.

    About 100 metres before our dirt road, there is a gate on the opposite side of the road, it stands out all by itself.....easy to see. So I show this gate on my map, indicating that 100 metres later is the turnoff for the dirt road.

    Proud as punch, when my wife comes home I show her the results of my blood sweat and tears......"what's this?"

    "It's that gate on the other side of the road just before we turn into the dirt road."

    "But there is no gate on our road"

    "I know...it's on the other side of the road before our road"

    "Too confusing"


    "You show gate on road and that is not our road"

    "No.....I have shown that it is on the opposite side of the road and is 100 metres before our road"

    "Thai people not understand....you make too confusing"

    "<deleted>!"......it is a stand alone gate that opens for a large property where the residence is some 300 metres from the road.

    So I reach for another beer.


    Many years ago I knew a German guy who was married to a Thai lady he decided to take her home so she could see her family who lived in the back of beyond after many hours of driving from Phuket they got near her house.

    When they got back to Phuket I saw him in the bar I asked him how they got on a did he meet the family he told me when they got there she couldn't remember how to get to the house so they came back.

    This was before everybody had a mobile phone.

    They moved to Germany

    I had the same,my wife was born in Buri Ram,ather 1 year the family moved to pattaya,

    she was never back there again .Now 28 years later we were in Korat and she saw a road sign

    to Buri Ram.She asked me if we could go visit the grand mother in Biri Ram ,so ok ,next day we took off.

    Once in Buri Ram city she did remember the name of the little village ,it was about 100 km more north over a verry bad road !

    Hours later we come in that village but she couldn't remember where the grandmother lived ,a said cant you ask arround? Tel your mother

    in Pattaya and ask her ? No,no money in telephone and people dont know me . Hm??????/ i asked "what now?" she:"lets go home"

    I refused and drove arround in every street of this little village ,asking for the grandmother ,my wife was verry embarrest but i finaly found the house

    but nobody home ,they were all of to a wedding and wouldn't be back that day.

    So.....back home with a angry lady ,not understanding my behavour?


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  12. 20 years ago we were not loosing our time in front of a computer !

    We would do other creatif things ,real things,talking to real human friends .

    I dont miss 1000 facebook "friends" .....who find it great to tell me how great their weekend will be ......

    Thaivisa would not be missed,who cares about suisides-jumpers?Passport troubles?You can find out directly if you

    drag yourself to immigration office.

    There is no use in knowing the bath goes up or down,its the price of things wich will tell you to slow down or not, and i see it slow down

    every where,emty restaurants and bars......it speaks for itself ,there is less money to be spend ,i dont need an internet to tell me this .

    Kids are addicted to pc games (not only kids) they should go out and play whit real kids, the pc will not learn them to swim or drive a bicycle iguess?

    I have a telephone wich can do everything but is not easy to use,

    So ,for me ,a pc or internet would not be a great loss.

    Albert Swine-steinbeatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifneus.gif

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