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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. imagine,you can speak thai perfectly.

    Now what are you going to discuss with thais?

    You can only speak to them as you would speak to a 10 year old,

    they dont know nothing of your culture,your music,actors...

    There is not much common nowledge.

    The same as you dont know any chinese or thai singer by name ,or

    chinese or thai movies......it's a complete other culture and i doubt

    that you as farang would ever be intrested in chinese singers ,actors,politicians.....

    So thais are not intrested in our culture.

    Exception exist off course.

    • Like 2
  2. Should of thought of the congestion before the government installed the first car policy. Then again, it's always patch job with this government or before. Never bother with long term planning!

    So if the owners of old cars pay the tax of a new car ,nothing changes.

    Still the same amount of cars in the street.

    Why not simple : you can only drive a car if you have a driver licence for your class of vehicle AND an insurance AND a numberplate AND the paper of the car-control.

    This will more than half the number of cars !(probably we will see only farang driving in cars ,busses,or motorcycles ?

    So no new rules needed .

    ps i must be very intelligent ?

  3. I would suspect paraquat.

    Easily accessible and lethal in only small doses

    This is the usual one. It is horrendous and give a very painful death to any creature, human as well, that ingests it. It is pretty bad if you just touch it. Anyone using it is basically a nasty piece of work because no matter what you think about dogs or what ever, they do not deserve to die in 6 hours or so or excruciating pain that sees them puking up their melted organs. People who using it on dogs whose only crime is that they or their ancestors have been abandoned by humans I kind of hope take a swig of it themselves; they would be a lot less missed by the world than the dogs.

    only 6 hours?

    and in smaller doses?

  4. I have known a Thai who used a drug to kill a very aggressive dog that had killed some small dogs & cats. The dog was allowed by the falang owner to wander around the Moo Bann who refused to contain his dog; the drug used was methocarbamoloxy, a muscle relaxant. Wife tells me it is easily available

    how do you translate "methocarbamoloxy" in thai language,just curious ...

  5. Keep your dogs in the house and don't let them wander. I would put CCTV around the house if this ever happened in my village and catch the sorry git doing this.

    Not sure who or what poison, but unfortunately a certain religious caste is often blamed wether they are guilty or not!

    with your cctc cameras you can see wich dogs shit in front of your door EVERY night ?

    Probably the neighbours dog and they don't give a "sh$t" that you have to clean it ?

    I wonder where i can buy this magic powder ?

    No more cleaning !

    I can't wait !beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

  6. You probably did not write the visa number on your arrival card.

    Or had no re-entry permit

    It happened to me twice,

    the first time ,i didn't notice and later when i wanted to do my yearly extension of stay,the officer saw the mistake they made on the airport and

    told me to let it get corrected ....in BKK ! It took me a whole day and a lot of copies and paperwork to get this done.

    Since i check it every time and 2 months ago it happened again.

    I immediately returned to the young immigration off. and pointed to the visa date .He immediately corrected it and signed it off.

    So checking the stamp is a must.

  7. That's approximately 102 cases, and 136 arrests per day.

    I find it hard to believe the Pattaya BIB could be this active in between ripping off motorcyclists and drinking coffee. They probably included parking tickets in their statistics gathering, if indeed the numbers are legitimate.

    Why do you say ripping off motorcyclists? It is the LAW to wear a helmet.

    wait until they stop you,your helmet and papers ok and still they force you to pay !

    Happened to me 2 times .

    • Like 2
  8. So now it is back to normal and for a year or two there will be no more crackdowns.

    Good job, back to daily routine thumbsup.gif

    not quite.

    they could not lock up about 4000 criminals.there is no jail big enough !

    So they had to let them go.(to start stealing again to cut their losses)

    Day two ,prob 50% was arrested again .....?

    So after 30 days,some were arrested every 2 or 3 days?

    How many crooks were not arrested during those 30 days?

    Another 4000 ? or 40 000 ?

    I feel very safe now.


  9. ...that has threatened a 12-year-old minor to sexually satisfy customers

    ...for threatening a minor to commit prostitution

    ...reported to the police regarding

    Who is actually writing those articles?

    I obviously understand what perspired, but if you just read it word by word it sounds like those two threatened the 12yo that they would "commit prostitution" (???) with customers like if the 12yo wouldn't behave.

    That's the sort of English a 13yo over here gets marked in his/her class test with loooong wavy red lines; after studying English for 3 years or so.

    Don't sweat it expert.

    Do understand that this forum is for all people ,not every body is a flawless and perfect as you.

    Many members only read and never write,for some members english is their 3rd or 4th language .

    Even if you speak 6 language ,please don't comment rude .

    (unless he masters only english ,because that "an sich" is indeed very low.)beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

    • Like 1
  10. On the roads Thai's just seem to do whatever they feel like,

    whenever I am turning into a one way road,I look both ways,

    and sometimes above !,you just don't know which way they

    are coming at you.

    I had a VERY near miss joining a dual carriageway,just

    looking right,road clear ,pulling out, and out the corner

    of my eye something blue flashes past,going the wrong

    way an old lady and kid on motor bike, must of missed

    them by a couple of inches, it shook me up,so now extra


    Really you have to be a mind reader on the roads here

    as a lot of drivers don't seem to have a clue what they

    are doing,indicate (if at all) when they get TO the turn,

    how many motor bikes have you seen right hand light

    flashing only for them to turn left !

    regards Worgeordie

    i drive 10 years around in pick-up (and motorcycles).

    Never had an accident.

    But i could have killed at least 1000 thais in accidents where i was not to blame.

    By anticipating their stupid road behaviour,(1 miljon examples)crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif i saved their lives,non of them will ever realize that it was not buda ,but me.

    So , when are they start burning candles for me ?

    • Like 2
  11. you are verry lucky,normaly you had lost your land already!

    The most idiot thing to do in Thailand is :"I recently borrowed some money from a local thai"

    But also "farang" are not to be trusted !

    Some tried to buy my plot of land ,had to have a loan of the bank .

    He tried to put me up as lender in the bank,steel my company......every trick of the book !

    He lives in Nong Palai ,says he's a lawyer,not true.

    He stole a pest-companie from his friend and put his wife as director.

    Be verry careful ,dont believe nothing!

  12. "The truck crossed from the opposite lane of traffic and hit the bus," said local police officer Lieutenant Colonel Assavathep Janthanari, adding that a pickup truck behind the bus had also been involved in the crash."

    Read again:

    This has nothing to do with the safety standards of the bus or the pick-up truck,

    If a cement truck is crossing the lane from the opposite direction, no safety standards can help you anymore.

    The only safety that could have avoided this tragic accident would have been safety barriers in the middle of the road.

    But that would have only shift the accident to the other side of the lane.


    if the cement truck crosses the middle barrier of a highway,it crossed 2 lanes and than the middle barrier and than again 2 lanes before arriving on the lane of the bus ,if the bus driver is awake he has time to do something.

    In this case (probably) the cement truck AND the bus were driving on the fast track ,then off course you have no time to react and the impact will be maximal .

    If we take away every driver without a proper driverlicence (motorcycle,car ,taxi,truck,bus...)and also all vehicules that are not checked properly,insured...........there are only a few farrang car on the streets !

    This will never change because the fraude is so deeply rooted that any one can buy a licence and a car check for a few hundred baht.


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