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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. Right on, there are limits to everything. But still, even (at this point) the wife is on the Farangs side, family "pressure" is ever-present. Not everybody is a Henry Kissinger, but I would try to "even-out" things with the rest of the family.

    Once the family-attitude towards the Farang swings from "neutral" to "negative", it's hard to reverse and this can be reason for future grief for the Farang.


    give everyone in the neighbourhood 20bht or more ,but not to the stupid family members,tell them you do this because budda ordered you to give to good people.

    And than break contact with that family.

    You dont know how to do this ?

    Simple say that there face looks like the ass of a kwai.


  2. why kill the man ?

    just cut off his manhood(so he will not make the same mistake)

    cut off his legs (so he can not come look for you later)

    Cut out his tongue (so he can not tell who did this to him)

    ooh ...also cut of his hand (so he can not write your name on a paper )

    soo,,,,whats left ?

    only his face ( he must be lucky he saved his face !

    all good end good.beatdeadhorse.gif

  3. At the moment we are doing a long distance relationship.

    Have you met this gf or is this a online relationship?

    Yes smile.png

    We have spend time together in my country and in thailand.

    Could never get engage with one i have never met.

    So it must be real love !

    she saw you are not rich as all the other farangs are and she did not run away !

    remember u need a lot of money to live in thailand ,a lot !

    If paying for the mariage is allready difficult,you better forget the whole idea ,stay where you are and take care of your

    children (if you are able to?),dont chase dreams that are too high for you.

    Be happy with what you have ,or be stubborn and dive in the deepest shitpile you can ever imagine .

    Sounds scary ,but it is .


    • Like 2
  4. What is it with the Belgians? Every second post has a Belgian expat in trouble! Obviuosly not well suited to live here (statistically speaking). I recommend refusing entry permits to all Belgians, it would save millions in health care and police ti

    Yes even the smartest europeens (statisticly speaking: because they speak at least 3 or 4 languages and 80% has a least an university title) can have a shit moment .

    As to what you recommend " Obviuosly" not even a Thai will understand you.

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  5. Just to let you know the background Kids 5 and 8. I am divorced so no pressure. Solely my idea, although their mother is Thai so would probably live near her as better for the children to have contact with both parents.

    Oldest boy not too happy living in Uk after living in Thailand previously.

    I could perhaps home teach for 6 months but if the children are going to live in and work in Thailand then they would need to go to a Thai school and learn to write Thai as well as speak it.

    I believe as well as education social wellbeing and happiness has to be considered also.

    you have to choose for your kids !

    Or live in a muslim oriented england or in a budist oriented Thailand.

    In the first case :they only need to speak the english language and write it a little bit.

    In the second case : the must go to a simple thai school ,just to learn to write and read thai,teach them english yourself .Later the will be the upper class since no ordinary english bloke speaks or read thai ,and no ordinary thai can read and speak good english .So big future for your son in Thailand.

    Stay away from expensive "english" schools,the (ex-postman or taxi driver) teachers there are crap ,and in the end he will not be able to read and write thai,so

    no extra opportunities . Kids have to learn languages !

    I have 2 boys (4 and 5 y) The mother is thai ,i'm belgian . the two kids speak thai ,flemmish,some french and english fluently and are learning to write now in

    thai and english. by the age of 10 ,we will take a chinese nanny (who can not speak english) so in about 2 years time they speak mandarine .All this without a

    lot of effort ! The kids absorb languages as sponges .

    Yes ,i know i make mistakes in english ,but if i write in french ,flemmish or german only a little group will understand.


    • Like 2
  6. if you buy a little house of 1.5 mill bht and loan it from the bank ,than you will pay about 3 mill bht back to the bank in 25 years.

    The house however will not be owned by you or your wife for at least 25 y !

    25 years you will be bound by hands and feed ,wile the house will never be yours.

    If all went well ,you still have nothing, it's your wifes,so keep good care of your wife,she 's the boss !

    If something happens ,you loose it anyway !

    So min 10 000 bht every month to the bank

    about 50 000 bht to take care of your little family

    so minimal 60 000 bht net salary needed for your dream.

    If i had 100 000 bht/month i would not even risk it.

  7. 5% is cheap compared to the amount of wasters agents have to put up with.

    If the agent asks the right questions,he will not lose his time on wasters.

    i did send an e-mail with foto's and details to "50" realestate agents in Pattaya,4 of them replied, 1 came with a probable buyer.

    When i asked if the client was married ,how many children ,the time frame for the bying,if he had cash money,or did he have to sell a property in england first,.........

    The answer was : i dont know?

    When the client finaly came and saw my house ,the client said :" wow ,this is a big house,i dont need 4 bedrooms because i'm single,and my budget is only half of

    what you ask...."

    Since the realestate-man did not find my house ,and lost his way for more than 30 minutes,the client found it also "too faar from Pattaya" when i told the client that it is only 10 min to (ex) Carrefour.....he did not believe me .

    I lost my time ,the realestate-man lost his time and the client lost his time BECAUSE the realestate-man did not know his job .

    It's that simple.beatdeadhorse.gif

  8. when do they start the same for big motorcycles ?

    Bye bye harley's,......Burgman's........

    Some of them drive arround with a tax reciept of 9000 bht ? (200% inport tax ?)

    all fraud ....kick it out ....confiscate ....

    Thailand is not the free country anny more ,beware .

  9. It is a fair topic. We cannot view the issue as an isolated one, 20 or 30 baht. Rather, it is a cumulative effect as one adds up the double or triple pricing for all other goods and services.

    Double the baht bus price

    Refuse to use taxi meters

    Add 10 baht for extra chicken sauce

    Low Season Price increases to offset fewer customers arriving

    High Season Jack up prices because they are full

    Hotel raising daily rate by 100 baht

    Beer price up by 15 baht

    On and on and On.

    every day more and more .......cheap -charly complaints

    time to go home and work ?beatdeadhorse.gif

  10. Police stoped me this morning ,road check.

    He asked for :"dive lises" wich i showed him,he wanted money ,i said "no money -no fraud" he said "this is Thailand" i said "no money" then he asked for

    "isuans" i showed him the papers,then he wanted to see the boo book ,I have it in my home because when they steal my car they have all the papers,so i never keep them in the car,this was stupid of me ? Anny way ,he asked for my licence again (wich he copied allready) and i knew he wanted to keep it ,so i said it's mine ,dont give it,he then tried to take my car keys ,but i was quicker and closed my window .By that time my wife was loosing it ,instead of support me she was yelling "pay pay" ,finaly she jumped out and went to pay the thieves ! 400 bht, i smiled at the f*cking fraud ( no number ,no name tag) and said "you steal from thai lady,bah!" and i drove off.

    Next time i'll try some pepper-sp32?beatdeadhorse.gif

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