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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Bangkok Scooter Rentals https://goo.gl/maps/Zdk1v5B3cZMJGXYv9
  2. Not the ones I have met here. But then we have to separate English from British???? Also why do Americans have such a thing for the Brits???? As some posts on this thread allude to.
  3. In most cars the fuel tank is under the rear seat. Most NGV/LPG tanks are simple cylinders so go under the vehicle. Except some early conversion, I believe on Volvos, where they put a doughnut tank in the spare wheel well. These are no longer allowed/available in Thailand.
  4. All UK coaches in the 60's and 70's had wooden frames. It's called coachbuilding.
  5. ^ could have been NGV???? Regular gasoline cars burst into flames. Diesel trucks not so much, but they still do. From reading the reports it is not obvious whether the vehicle caught fire before or after it left the road.
  6. Thailand society is dictated by virtue not by rules/laws and is family oriented so if you are not in their vehicle you are not family. Simple as...
  7. My 6ft-plus blond Dutch friend when crossing to Laos where the question is "Race" Writes: "Master"
  8. All over YouTube. Ex-marine reacts to..., ex-(whatever) reacts to....??? reacts to...???? Then there's the Brexit thing. They'd love that to fail... BTW. Only Brian Blessed can text in CAPS.
  9. While many Americans seem obsessed with Britain/Britishness. (Another trait????)
  10. Thailand society seems to be disciplined by virtue, not by rule of law.???? In some countries the society wants to be told what they can/or must do. In others what they can't do.
  11. What about a Mini PC for about 7500 baht and a used dumb TV?
  12. Last time I only did 4 holes. I used one of these.
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