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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. ^ while we are on the subject. How about one for people who's first language isn't English. I once had a whole office full of Indonesians who told the Indian engineers "That is very interesting"
  2. While we are on the subject of gender and the bible. Who was actually responsible for taking the first bite of the apple.
  3. Only the green and yellow taxis in Bangkok are owner operated. All the other colours are "fleet" taxis rented for the day by the driver. Foreigners in this case probably means citizens from neighboring Asian countries.
  4. Don't you need to be in business for that???? Hey, I resemble that remark.
  5. How Social are the Expat communities in Thailand ? Very. Hash House Harriers. But group dynamics vary from community to community. I.E. Pattaya different to Bangkok which is different to CM etc. For the most part good people and very sociable.
  6. Depends on your local water pressure???? I've got one that could bring tears to your eyes if you weren't used to it.
  7. Siam Society ???? Where is his country would the OP meet the kind of women he is interested in?
  8. ^ Interesting, ???? Are we suggesting this is the fall of the Russian empire.
  9. ^ Most layman's analysis is naïve. But that doesn't stop us theorizing.
  10. Sunak cannot scrap EU laws. They are laws in the EU not in UK. Most UK/EU laws are the same or based on a shared philosophy. If Sunak did say that, then it is pure hyperbole. What he should do is specify which UK laws he wants to scrap.
  11. Russia didn't want to lose its Mediterranean (southern) naval base in Sevastopol. The whole thing could have been avoided if Russia had asked for a Hongkong type 99 year lease on the area where most people speak Russian.
  12. Or tweak the transmission so the power at 6500 is available from take-off.???? If that is what you want. Works for me.
  13. When buying a TV always make sure it will fit in a taxi. That way you can take it to the service dept. yourself.????
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