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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I'm looking at a concrete wall with what looks like brick fillers. Maybe that is not what you see. It is not a contiguous brick wall. It depends on what the OP has. Not what you have. Chemical anchors are widely used for a reason. If the OP has a concrete wall with brick tile or veneer he can use expanding anchors in the concrete. But I would still not use expanding anchors in brickwork.
  2. Looks a lot like concrete. Not brick. The OP is free to use whatever suggested method he wishes.
  3. It is permanent. Will be there until I die or someone grinds off the studs. Other brick splitting solution will still leave a holes.
  4. Please no. If you use expanding fasteners you will crack the brick. You have to fit this "dry" first to get the dimension right. Get some stud/threaded rod. Drill a hole in the brick so the stud just slips in. Having got the stud the right length, i.e. into the hole and enough for the object to be secured and the nuts to attach it. Mix up a generous amount of epoxy cement and fill the hole completely. You don't need fancy equipment for this. Then before the epoxy sets screw the studs into the holes wiping away the epoxy that oozes out. If using five minute epoxy maybe mix two or more batches one batch for each hole. Leave to set , better overnight. Then mount the object to be secured onto the studs and screw some nuts onto the studs and Bingo.
  5. It is based in Wilmslow where a lot of Muff's live.????
  6. I suspect a company started by a non-native speaker.
  7. As an experience non tourist, I have lost more money in the back of a Bangkok taxi.
  8. As an experienced tourist. surely life is too short for that kind logic. People get too embroiled in the "It's the principle that counts" rather than the practical result.
  9. Then as a "tourist" it shouldn't really matter what country you stay in for 3 days????
  10. So if is cheaper to pay then do so. If not spend 3 nights in Malaysia.????
  11. Without tourism there is not so much untraceable cash coming in. ????
  12. Whoa big jump. I am thinking of 36 to 39 you went from 39 to 45. How much do you weigh? I'm only about 75 kgs. But my explorer bike is only 110cc.
  13. What size rear sprocket are you using now?
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