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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Bilge pumps are not automatic. You have to wait until it is dark???? So if no one was on the ball.
  2. I have bought some from here if you are close. https://goo.gl/maps/aFW2TRGFz8he6w1a9 Edit: probably the same place as above post.
  3. Could be just the filter/aerators in the faucets. But yes the heater. That can be given the vinegar treatment by disconnecting the flexibles and raising them above the heater.
  4. When one sees pictures of grey warships they don't appear to be festooned with orange lifeboats, regardless of nationality.
  5. ???? But Scots are canny people. They will not do anything that effects their bottom line. I think they are mature enough not to indulge in US style idealism.
  6. According to my Indonesian friend only family, spouses or children can initiate a complain. The police on their own cannot. Just for balance.
  7. Have you been to London lately???? About 50% of the people don't have Anglo-Saxon ancestry. It is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world.
  8. Just a flight of fancy on my part. There probably isn't even one in Thailand.
  9. Sorry, for the uninitiated. It should have been sailing into the weather before becoming swamped. Original article said the water caused the loss of electrics not the other way around.
  10. In Metropolitan Bangkok???? At least two. Just for balance.
  11. I have one of each. I quite enjoy tinkering with CVT. Quite easy to remove and replace. Smaller bike/scooter is easier to park/manoeuvre when downtown at the market. I would quite like an Aprilia Mana just for a laugh.
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