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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Brilliant.???? Every week we search for roads like that for our small, see the birds and smell the roses, motorbike group. We've found a few.
  2. OK. I will be 1 inch lower so I'll have to go slower. ???? If a farmer can't get there I am not interested.
  3. Much less stress and trouble to leave it all behind and buy new here.???? Odd keepsakes can be carried in a suitcase which doesn't need any clothes inside as you can buy them here.
  4. Then whose is this. have i misunderstood the whole thread?
  5. How often have you bottomed/grounded out. The stock Wave is 1 inch lower than the CT.
  6. I am trying to avoid a situation like your backwards downhill dismount by using a Wave AT as the base for a bike. Bit disappointed to find they have a footbrake rather than a CVT scooter hand brake. I will persevere.
  7. ^ A bit heavy but off them all I would be happier with a V-Rod
  8. ^ Well I suppose it might be akin to asking around for the price of stuff before actually going out to buy something???? Society's accumulated knowledge is built on the experience of others.???? Medicine in Thailand is a business.????
  9. Korea. The country has Seoul. But the cars don't.
  10. If I may. the problem is old GRUMPY men logging onto AN at 9 am and complaining about everything in Thailand. ????
  11. ^ So we are down to 11gpm with the shower heater still requiring only 1.5 gpm.
  12. Apparently not and I checked I am not confusing you with anyone else. As stated before a shower heater with an integral booster pump requires 1 psi of positive pressure to switch on. Not 1 bar. The size of the pipe in a shower heater is about 1/4 to 3/8in. The pipework in a house is usually 1 in or maybe 3/4. There is no way a flow though a shower heater at about 1.5 gpm will effect the pressure in a 3/4 to 1in pipe. A 1 in pipe at 1 psi at the open end has the potential to flow about 20 gpm. The 1.5 gpm required for the shower heater will not create a reduction in that 1psi. No matter how hard you try to believe it. You haven't grasped the non magnitude of the problem you are inventing. I believe you are confusing a pump that would supply the whole house with a tiny booster pump in one appliance. As for a cavalier attitude to the safety of others. There is no safety issue here at all. If the OP installs a water heater with a small integral pump he will not create any reduction in the pressure in his supply piping to his house. He will not increase the flow in the 1 inch pipe by the 1.5 gpm required by the heater increasing the demand to 21.5 gpm. The potential flow in the 1 inch pipe will still be 18.5 gpm or a positive pressure of about 0.8 PSI but positive non the less and sufficient for the heater. Min requirement of the shower heater is 0.7 psi
  13. For the curious and search engine friendly I found at least two tour companies in CM who offer a downhill cycling tour. Get driven to the top and cycle down Maybe there are too many cyclists for the road to safely handle.????
  14. Will you find a link to said regulation. I can't find it. It does not appear to be on the PWA site. It is possible that the OP drives occasionally over the limit or pops down to the 7- Eleven without a helmet. All breaking the law. He might even buy alcohol from a village shop between 2pm and 5pm.???????? I don't think you fully comprehend that the supply line must be at a positive pressure for the shower heater to operate. I also don't think you have any knowledge of hydraulics or fluid dynamics. Just keep harping on about a bucket in the toilet. Which by the way needs negative pressure for the flow to reverse not the positive pressure required for the shower heater to switch on. The OP is free to do whatever he sees fit.
  15. Of course you can. Nothing to stop you and nothing bad will happen. You will simply have a constant quality shower.
  16. Or As I suspect. The errant cyclists get driven up there and freewheel down????
  17. You are not allowed to ride down. So simple logic says you cannot ride up as you can't come down. Seems simple to me.
  18. Use one of these and you can also tell how far away they are????
  19. ^ It is about a shower heater.????????
  20. Yes but if in the example shown the neighbour doesn't have a check valve. ????
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