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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I'm not anti anything. I buy what I wish. If I am anti anything it is pretentiousness.
  2. ???? Some people buy cars to show off their ability to sign a finance agreement.
  3. ^ My point was. They hang up because "they" cannot speak, or are not confident in, English. This is Thailand so most business is conducted in the local language.
  4. Like the anti-Merc or anti-BMW brigade or anti-Fortuner or anti...????
  5. In what language are you answering these calls???? I always use the wife's number for delivery.
  6. You don't have to ignore people in the surrounding space simply because you are wearing headphones. The odd smile or eye contact.????
  7. Obviously that is a Kitaco badged one that may have extras. Hence the extra 8,000. There is or used to be a Kitaco PCX150.
  8. They've obviously moved on from stealing every other bolt from HT electricity pylons.
  9. correctly surveillance cameras ???? or at best peace of mind.
  10. Like the milk floats of yesteryear???? All done quietly without fuss and fanfare.
  11. With this I concur. But this policy doesn't have to be mandated for everyone only those who reside in major cities.
  12. Vertical fishing lines about 10cm apart. Does involve a drill and some screws
  13. ^Not sure if this is sad or smug???? Weather where I live is fine. I guess the take on this is not what car you drive, but where you chose to live.
  14. ^ I think the budgie would have been dead by now????
  15. It will likely be mobbed to death buy sparrows etc. Hopefully someone finds it and it is clever enough to seek shelter. Wife lost a budgie once. Never seen again.
  16. Coat dogs liberally with engine oil. Old oil is OK. The parasite needs to breath. Oil coating will prevent that. Don't do it to a house pet???? Pharmaceuticals? Revolt. Just apply no rubbing or massaging needed.
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