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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Buy a mattress protector and sleep on that???? About 1/2 to 3/4 thick. You can take that with you to the next place.
  2. Entertainment venues include bars, pubs, and nightclubs not necessarily in tourist areas but simply entertainment in general regardless who the clientele are.
  3. I watched a video of a Swedish company that machines connecting rods for engines and has sales world-wide. They source their forgings from UK, no one in Sweden can supply them.
  4. Is it struggling more than other countries????
  5. As for the 1/2" pipe feeding the water tank. Don't forget the time factor. The 1/2 will still fill the tank just not as fast. As long as the supply volume over time exceeds the short term discharge volume it will be OK.
  6. I'll have make do with my NSR300???? ⏲️ Not 85hp though.
  7. ???? Slipper clutch prevents the wheel losing traction if one inadvertently selects a gear too low. ???? At least that is what i believe. Preventing wheel chatter under hard braking is ABS, isn't it? Or does ABS induce wheel chatter.
  8. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
  9. ^ You'd have to ride better than me to discover that????
  10. I never look at the price . I simply pay what it says on the pump.
  11. I ride into the next town and go to a Castrol Bike point. If they can't/won't do it they will tell you where you can get it done. My bike has tubed tyres so I carry spare tubes, as although local shops can change them , they don't stock them.
  12. They might be but they are a bitch to get off unless workshop has a powered tire changer.
  13. They can't be assed???? Take it to a Castrol Bike Point.
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