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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. There are at least two in town where I live. One owned by a German guy. He said he is very happy.
  2. He'll be back in 2024. He is more valuable as an election spokesperson than currently as PM.
  3. Q. Where can I go to find myself? A. Anywhere on a motorcycle.???? There's an old saying, 'You never see a motorcycle parked outside of a psychiatrist's office'.
  4. Depends where you are. Does your metal picture frame rail have to look really beautiful? There maybe some galvanised angle used for suspended ceilings if you wander around Global or Thaiwatsadu etc.
  5. No one should pay the owner of the gorilla a brass farthing. Sad for the gorilla but she'll have to suffer to stop this kind of blackmail happening again. Or viewing it another way. If the gentleman in question considers the animal to be a business asset then it needs to be converted into a business liability.
  6. Thailand has cruelty to animals laws. Someone simply needs to prove it is cruelty.
  7. Coffee cream or coffee creamer????
  8. Salvador Dali caterpillar Could be a Monarch?
  9. Do we think the establishment would allow mere politicians to tank the economy???? Not me.????
  10. I'm sure it used to but not now . At least for me.
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