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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. It was always the guys I felt sorry for.
  2. Actually it is a joke , left. The same side as driven on in Thailand and many other countries.
  3. 2000w is 2.7hp, 3000 is 4. So 3000 is about the same as a 50cc Honda Cub.????
  4. Well this explains a lot. ???? Next you will be explaining that the ground floor is in fact the 1st floor? The inside lane is the lane nearest the edge of the road???? I doubt Thailand even has such designations?
  5. They decline my offer to have it X-rayed???? It was oversize so may have already been done.
  6. ????Has to do with formative years and brain development.
  7. You are correct that it is almost impossible to match old and new concrete. To apply epoxy concrete paint you need to thoroughly clean and etch the original as well as the new. You need much more thinner than paint. 80/20 for the first coat. For me it would all depend on cost. It is after all only somewhere to park the car.
  8. LMFTFY Law abiding people importing goods in excess of the allowance should be prepared to pay the import taxes and duties. No one volunteers to pay tax?
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