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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Called bagasse, it has been used to make paper for decades in parts of Asia.
  2. Nowhere in your OP did you mention jamming with a 10 year old. What you asked "Is music dead" But I'm no expert.
  3. And the songs? Who said the bands has to be young? Sadly John Peel is not with us any more so where do we go to listen to this generations music? Or any new music?
  4. ????Tip for Aussies. Put the potato in the front of your smugglers!
  5. Rammstein "Radio" ???? Maybe there is no big money in music anymore?
  6. I had a customer who had a safe delivered on a truck. Too heavy. So he got the mocy taxi guys on the corner to help. Guess what? The break ins didn't stop until he publicly got the safe taken away.
  7. Some electronic dance music is OK but not all of it.
  8. Moral? If you have a safe make sure no one else knows. My money is on the maid or the AC service guys?
  9. One of my friends has a theory ????that the length of the males' willies is in direct proportion to the size of that culture's females' posteriors. Eg. African ladies, large. African males large. Chinese ladies small/flat. Chinese males smaller. It is simply mechanics. Before the missionaries got there.
  10. I just listen to music. I don't follow bands, never have. One of their songs might be brilliant all the others rubbish. I'm not young chronologically. Maybe young people don't listen to music anymore? Too busy with video games or gossiping on social media?
  11. Generally the music we like is in part due to where and when we were during our formative years. It is different for all. In the mean time there is http://www.radiocaroline.co.uk/radioplayer4/index.html?v=1650265096834 for those from the appropriate when/where?
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