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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Just thinking about this. When I ride a scooter on main roads , which is rarely, I am very conscious that i am travelling slower ( say 80 kph) than the the other vehicle traffic. I keep a very close eye on my mirrors to be aware of who is coming up behind. How many cyclists, who will be travelling much slower than me, have rear view mirrors and use them? Most of the danger on Thai roads is the amount of vehicles travelling at different speeds. This is not a problem unique to Thailand but is one that has mostly been legislated out on "western" road systems.
  2. I think one is supposed to concentrate when on the roads. It is the relaxing that causes accidents.
  3. I have had two in the past and still have one of them. Simple reliability and good for getting from A to B.
  4. Just read that Formula E racing are looking at hydrogen fuel cells for the Gen4 car. EVs may be an evolutionary dead end unless battery tech makes a huge leap soon.
  5. I don't talk at all except for the polite stuff. They give us a hand written list. That would be OK and why chose to live only 15kms from Immigration.
  6. Germany, France, Austria and the Nordic countries issue punishments based on a person's wealth. Just sayin...
  7. Looks the same to me. (Except it has Covid written on it. I have one and an old yellow fever one.
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