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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. From my experience Immigration is the only congestion????
  2. Last time I was in Thai Watsadu there was a whole section dedicated to irrigation.
  3. Proportions are wrong on one. ???? Her hips look wider than her shoulders .
  4. ^ buy a couple and let her get some exercise trying to catch the chooks.????
  5. Mine only cost me 12,000. Yes it needs a top end overhaul which is on the list but I've already been up some local hills and followed some farm tracks which is what I bought it for. I have bought some trail tyres for it and a 3 litre red gas can just in case.
  6. So, why should Evangelical, Bible-believing Christians support electric vehicles? Because EVs are better for Mother Earth. It would be exercising their stewardship and doing their Lord’s will. https://cleantechnica.com/2021/07/20/why-evangelical-christians-should-be-supporting-evs/ I knew it. It is already a religion ????
  7. It is his mother's house. Ergo home. You are the interloper. The locals, monks etc. will have to sort it out. She should ask him when he is going to leave.
  8. Most of the water comes from the Ethiopian Highlands so it sounds OK to me. ????
  9. Was trying to help so that when you measure you measure the correct dimension. Inside vs outside, If you have been using metric tubing maybe your valve is metric and you will need metric connectors or adapters Maybe show us a picture of your valve so we know if it is metric of imperial etc.. That is if you really wish to get input. Or this is not just another AN look at me thread.
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