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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I can understand why the OP is alone. Spouting all this constant dribble.????
  2. 9 Because I like no police presence on the roads and corruption doesn't seem to effect me directly. Could use a pub downtown but not enough farangs to keep it open.
  3. Neither milk floats nor golf carts do that. Why any other electric vehicle.????
  4. VocalNeal


    A softer mattress on top???? Thai style kapok thingie ???? Futon ????
  5. As the planet is swathed in microwave signals from cellphone towers you look for holes in the sky where there appears to be no signal.????
  6. I never understood. I never even met Montezuma.????
  7. Or reverse osmosis or carbon filters or...????
  8. They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Dave. Everybody's dead, Dave! Gordon Bennett! Yes, Everyone. Everybody's dead, Dave
  9. I'm surprised no electric car maker has a model called Magnette????
  10. Pressure is about the same as NGV. Lots of taxis around using that.????
  11. I offered but they came in an electric BMW.???? OP have lots of Coca-Cola ready.
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