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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. In a related scenario. Why do Seal teams fall backwards out of the boat? Because if they fell forward they would still be in the boat.????
  2. In civilized countries Eggplant is called Aubergine.????
  3. I had a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) many years ago and the doctor said I also had Japanese Encephalitis. I asked if what was detected was the fact I had been vaccinated against it. He said probably yes.
  4. But then maybe the sad emoji is a complement, from whomever is doing it.????
  5. Examples https://goo.gl/maps/ZGXfx2bMwtw9w5Yv9 https://goo.gl/maps/yTBA4k5mLAX5vRXZ7 In theory Google maps shouldn't direct you there if you select "Motorcycle" Edit:- just tried my second example. Google will not direct you over the Bhumipol Bridge if "motorcycle" is selected.
  6. What I am not getting is how one can change a visa TM.86 when they don't actually have a visa to change, because they were not issued one from an overseas consulate. Maybe we have all forgotten the old adage "At the discretion of the immigration officer".
  7. This is normal for me when extending my stay based on marriage. Also all the pictures etc. I had to have pictures every year, for 13 years, when I part-owned/ran a business. Not bedroom and living room. Outside the premises with staff and inside the premises with staff and showing my desk. I considered this just just one of the "costs" of doing business. I wonder in the cases of Mae Sai and Roi-Et above whether the use of an agent would have ameliorated the procedure.
  8. In the instances above both parties want a retirement visa or extension of stay based on retirement. Is this correct? They enter Thailand visa exempt? Correct? So they don't or won't have a visa? Correct? I believe visas are issued outside countries, all over the world not just Thailand? So if they don't have a visa how can they get an extension based on retirement? Don't they have to leave the country get a visa then comeback and apply for an extension based on retirement. I am sure there is a procedure for that which any Thai consulate outside the country can explain.
  9. I see Buddha in a seated position. But I'll get back to my morning toast with Jesus on it.
  10. Sanyo Electric is a subsidiary of Panasonic . So maybe...????
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