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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I was invited to but I think I was a bit young. All the other members of the lodge seemed much older to me. Friends of my father. I think the timing was wrong. I have been involved with a service club not unlike Rotary.
  2. No saying something sensible about Freemasonry will bring it back. My father was a member for years. Grand master, the lot. I usually got given my mother's ladies night gift. But I always thought it operated on discretion not open discussion. I was quite shocked when I went to Canada and saw Masonic window stickers on cars.
  3. Next time we meet you will have to tell me all about it.
  4. It seems me that soi dogs are only a problem in towns/cities where the residents are transient and have not formed a local community. From my observations the locals will band together and move them on. That being said the dogs are simply living where they were born. Not their fault. Legal? Contact the local Amphur office or talk to the local village headman.
  5. Easy to say when they can't swim to the great US of A. Where we note they welcome with open arms convoys of walkers from Central America.
  6. I have walked into a hotel ( Now called Avani) sat by the pool/bar and ordered a beer, on a no beer day, no problem. I wasn't a guest and no one asked. Is there any country that makes different rules for foreigners???? Maybe residents of hotels could be excluded.
  7. Motorcyclists yes. Tw@ts who dress like a pirate No. Freemasons, Rotary, Toastmasters, et al. have no need to advertise their membership.????????????
  8. They could have simply taken him back to his hotel and he could have topped himself there. Maybe being responsible was letting him cool off in the pokey????
  9. All Thais know where to buy alcohol on all days. This doesn't effect them one iota.
  10. Jet Skis don't turn if you let off the throttle. A counter intuitive concept that requires an unnatural response and hence experience.
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