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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Blessed are the cracked because they are ones who let the light in.
  2. Many people post on here without mentioning what abilities they have.
  3. Stick to woodwork????
  4. Generally, good. I have ordered a mobile phone and some RC batteries in the past. I have an SCB prepaid debit card for such transactions. There is only enough money on the card to cover the cost, so limited risk. Edit: Apologies the phone was cancelled by the seller twice so I ended up buying direct from the Chinese company's own on-line site.
  5. Land of the Free???? Innocent until proven guilty???? Used to be a Red Under the Bed. Is there a new Chinese idiom?
  6. Not in our house. Ant powder works wonders. I hardly ever see an ant. Vigilance is the key. There is no permanent solution.
  7. There may well be but generic WD-40 is a water disperser not a lubricant. The penetrating version has not been mentioned beforehand.
  8. Take the chrome outside knob off first. If the OP has to buy the WD-40, then buy penetrating fluid.
  9. Q. How to keep flies out of the kitchen A. Put a heap of ????in the living room
  10. https://www.diynot.com/diy/threads/shower-hot-water-tap-jammed-safety-button-pressed.395957/
  11. There are three colours of land ownership documents. Just make sure you have the red bird. But it is possible the development is treated as a condo????
  12. I would say making money for gun manufacturers.???? That being said there are lots of guns further north but not the level of crimes involving guns.
  13. Or someone got enthusiastic and decided to clean the sea strainer.???? It'll be back in service in a week.
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