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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Come on keep it boiling ya all's the best comedy act ever seen here
  2. Right this very nice promenade shown is what it was during the 2000 - about 2013 years. No ands ifs or Butts about it. We dont need to go back into the last century whatsoever. The place now is an utter sh*t show. Long gone
  3. Is this a typo? That an impoverished women with no options to support herself and child, who is a prostitute- is the most immoral being on the face of the earth?
  4. Ok , Then I would suggest going to Vietnam maybe teach English. Seems from your perspective and what I know about non "working"Vietnam girls*that country would deserve a look. Saigon , Danang, Nha Trang. The girls you can meet in coffee shops are very keen on having relationships with foreigners in part to learn English.
  5. Sure if your timing is good-kan doo. But there are many opportunities for a professional girlfriend.
  6. Not lost on me is another one these people conflating normal legal proper emigration with illegal gangs from Central America, terrorists from mid east as well as millions more overloading the social/health services. * I sure hope Trump doesn't wimp out this time and call an executive order for the Army Corps of Engineers to build the WALL from Pacific to Gulf. And spare all this " it won't work" progressive nonsense
  7. He is on planet called - call spades spades
  8. My consistency is for the electorate (right, independent , left,) to decide. Seems elements of the democrats are afraid of that. As were the republicans in the 2000 election. Where a judicial coup gave the election to bush by stopping the recount in FL. Gore won Florida in spite of that spoiler/ jerk Ralph Nader
  9. No , read this. ' If Trump takes this to supreme court Colorado keeps him on the ballot https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/19/us/colorado-trump-legal-questions-supreme-court.html
  10. Who cares what these liberal SAPS in colorado* do . Trump is going to lose that state anyway. And win the election. * By the way this is the same states court that let the Ramsey's off https://www.steamboatpilot.com/news/prosecutors-drop-case-in-jonbenet-ramsey-slaying/
  11. The US should have never been in Afghanistan in the first place outside of some US army rangers to get Osama bin laden. You seem to be misreading placeholders post that waylaid my post with placeholders "irony". My point is that a population on opiates is much preferred to be around than that same drug using population whacked out on (pure) meth-amphetamines. Thailand in this case. So your referring to opiates in error to his quote that was about amphetamines. Of course pure heroine would be better that this fentynal plague.
  12. Another one of these people conflating the good points about a model with the bad points. Sorry better luck next time with this nonsense
  13. Actually the way way back 1950's was the American dream model. That ended November 22, 1963 in Dallas. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and liberal city and state governments followed. Along with the Southern border invasion: gangs like ms 13 , terrorists , million's of illegals overloading medical/social services. It's going to require an authoritarian government to fix this mess
  14. Ok let's call it authoritarian like Singapore. When year after year all this talking until the cows come home regarding the Southern border disaster, the increasing city crime , the wasted billions and lives in Iraq Afghanistan and now Ukraine. Seems it is high time for another model. That would be an authoritarian government that would have selective elements of fascism by construction
  15. Anyone can cut wire ??? Let's just have a real WALL. Trump wimped out on the wall. I would like to see a DeSantis as president.
  16. Legislation to fix the problem that hasn't worked for 20 years ? Serious?. A WALL from the Pacific to the Gulf manned by border patrol and states national guard will fix this invasion of gangs , terrorists as well as the millions of illegals who are overloading the countries medical/social services. And don't play this "dictator" bs. An excectutive order can direct the Army Corps of Engineers to build it. Putin's bidding - get back from lunch. The only bidding here is to benefit the military industrial complex. And an executive order needs to intervene in the anarchy/looting in US cities that is permitted by these liberal SAPS in city/state governments
  17. Here is the local problem, do I really have to show you examples of the Southern border disaster. And this waste of billions going down this rat hole in Ukraine. Hopefully Trump/DeSantis will take care of this mess.
  18. Fascism isn't all bad: Could be away to get something done with the sorry mess created by these liberal saps in government. Left wing anarchy with stores being raided and looted, and no local enforcement. Here calling in the military is the correct intervention. Then the non borders allowing gangs, terrorists,while overloading social/medical services. Take the stalemate in the US for example. The only way a real WALL could be accomplished to get around these progressive saps blocking it would be for the president to declare the national emergency it is , and order the Army Corps of Engineers to build it from the Pacific to the Gulf. Of course it would be more affordable if the current admin would stop sending Billions and counting to that lost cause in Ukrainian that mostly benefits the military industrial complex from that not such a winding road from Afghanistan and Iraq
  19. And Thailand would be alot better off if the main drug were opiates. Instead of a drug using population whacked out on bad speed.
  20. Yes plenty of traffic and this proposal is just going to make all the jammed up roads even worse in places like Pattaya where there will be even more of these happy s*** events along the beach
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