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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Oh since I see the military industrial complex now getting billions like before in Iraq /Afghanistan while infrastructure in the US is degrading. And Bidens policy allowing the country to be overrun with hundreds of thousands illegals with benafits . And commiting crimes ( as if there are not enough US citizen lowlifes to deal with ) As well as these administration backed democrats liberal local/social policies allowing anarchy in the cities--- That therefore I Love Putin????? Could care less about that guy. And to conflate those who were against WW2 ( you must really be doing some searching to dig that up, Lol ) that was, unlike Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, a physical threat to the US. Is ridiculous. Hopefully DeSantis as president will straighten out this mess. So boys and girls - That's all she wrote!
  2. How many times does it have to be said: Trump supporters as well as all other rational people- do not support this waste of $ Billions in Ukraine
  3. That was corrected to read Trump supporters do not support this Ukraine war. And I have no idea about your nonsense post
  4. Lies that they knew then we're lies that cost $Billions and thousands of young US soldiers lives. So the establishment could profit. Within the scope of his duties ?? Are you serious?. Try coming to the families who lost loved ones with that trash, Hoss
  5. And who is supporting the Ukraine war on that not such a winding road from Iraq/Afghanistan. Trump/Carlson followers and also an emergent Black population who see massive inner city neglect and crime (as a result of liberal "policies" while $Billions are going to the military industrial complex as well as these bribed policy makers.
  6. No coordination for sure they just started this different project on second Rd. Then there is this trailer trash ****show on Jomtien beach , most likely permanent . And the only reference to Pattaya beach was the asphalt repaving. No mention of the "promenade," project that looks about half done. No way finished before October.
  7. That only works for a subset of the tourism population. The rest of them are not coming back for all above reasons
  8. Sure right after 9/11 as well as majority of non magas . They all bought this load that disgraced general put up. Have you heard what Trump and Carlson are saying about those wars as well as about everyone else. So conflating Trumps supporters now with I guess the Bush supporters then ? I called those bush supporters SAPS twice. And who all really should be in prison for that criminal deception. Invading Iraq after 9/11 would be like invading Mexico after Pearl Harbor. Search : Dick Cheney and Halliburton, Iraq /Afghanistan wars.
  9. No I don't remember but your making my case: As I said above there are advantages to a light authoritarian type government (Singapore) Hopefully DeSantis will declare a national emergency that it is and order the Army Corps of Engineers to build it. And I dare say a Singaporean type government would have had that WALL built for the good of the good old U S of A
  10. Your preaching to the choir. Of course it would be better. But it was blocked by the democrats. There are advantages to a light authoritarian type government - some times that is the only way some things get done
  11. You sure about that. And Bush and Co. who falsified info about Iraq* that cost $Trillions and thousands of young US soldiers lives. Just a coincidence the VP Chenys company Halliburton made millions in this deception. Then 20 years in Afghanistan. Has not been forgotten by the world. And I say most of the world could care less about all this Trump nonsense that some around here just can't stop talking about. ** Of course Saddam and Bin laden had to go. But that could have been carried out by the special forces. How does that saying go: you don't need to by a vineyard for a glass of wine.
  12. A real WALL would work continuous from the Pacific to the Gulf. Trump could have declared a national emergency and ordered the Army Corps of Engineers to build it.* Im starting to go for DeSantis because I don't think he would wimp out like Trump did. * And ya all spare us all the "reasons" why a wall won't work because you don't like the idea. What rational folks don't like are hundreds of thousands of all kinds of illegals flooding into the country. I guess some don't believe in laws: the crime and anarchy in these liberal sap cities sure seems like it. And where were you all that can't stop complaining about Trump when bush falsified information about Iraq that led to $Trillions lost and thousands of lives too. And here we are again in Ukraine with Biden admin support. Trump said he would get out of there fast . I don't know about most of the people on this forum. ***And pretty sure this post will be reported and deleted- And ask me if I care
  13. Unfortunately. Can thank the city for this with beach side parking and all these happy **** events on the beach too often.
  14. Meanwhile back on topic. Raw garlic has adverse effects on this virus. Just read the short abstract for your needed edification https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924224420305641#:~:text=Pre-clinical data demonstrated that,1(IEG1) transcription%2C as
  15. Omicron shmicron. It's common knowledge that by natural selection viruses become less lethal, a virus that kills it's host does not go forward. Here some photos of the omicron party every Saturday and Sunday at Lam pho seafood market in Naklua. Be there be square. Been going through about 100 times in last few years . For sure many exposures. Always negative test including antibody test . Best to take care of yourself in stead of taking the mystery juice.
  16. I have always said the vaccines save lives in those with comorbidities like obesity, diabetis, hypertension, liver, kidney disease, cigarette smokers.But a healthy person should not risk the side effects of this stuff. And to those who say get vaccinated for the benafit of the general population: 1) the vaccines do not prevent transmission 2) It is these self imposed unhealthy lifestyles that is more responsible for transmission between these sickly people
  17. Aren't the denials around here just unbelievable, not only that but they continue with this same tiresome narrative completely disregarding the information in the quote they are replying to. Like I said before regarding posting with these people: No mas
  18. I don't need luck Jim, healthy, BMI=21 . Haven't had any flu vaccines either. There is no doubt that I have been exposed to this virus many times like at these very crowded seafood markets. I even went to Pattaya International Hospital and had an antibody test for SARS-CoV-2. Negative. You can research 'exposure without infection' And of course that is also without vaccine
  19. Why so many more died with covid in red states? Maybe political party affiliation is a proxy for other risk factors such as income, health insurance status and chronic / comorbidities medical conditions, along with race and ethnicity. I'm surprised alot of those people from red or blue states were still walking around.
  20. Oh yeah sure. Like dismantling the incomplete Southern border structures, allowing in thousands of illegals to flood in with benefits, allowing anarchy in the cities, supporting the military industrial complex on that not such a winding road from Afghanistan to Ukraine. And I've about given up replying to you people. And not even going to get into this covid business. Except to say I am unvaccinated for SARS-CoV-2
  21. Evidently you are deflecting from the context here Hoss. This is about Pattaya not the UK or Madagascar. If your not in Pattaya then refer to the Pattaya news section. Even Stevie Wonder could see who 90% of the (too many) screw ups around here are
  22. Indeed and this unknown exposure in Thailand may require shoring ups with the foreign currency reserves leaving less of those reserves that are currently proping up the baht.
  23. Too many thai males in Pattaya . And to answer the question: Yes safe crossing are easy but you may have to wait 20 minutes for a clearing- your call
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