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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Let's avoid this rabbit hole on where the billions went. Long gone. It's for sure the military industrial complex is getting billions. Again on that not such a winding road from Afghanistan and Iraq to Ukraine.Meanwhile back in the USA . Those wasted billions are needed for infrastructure: ports, rail, roads, bridges, inner city decay... And a WALL
  2. Saddam was a war criminal. Just because no action taken against others does not spare him. .50 cal sniper teams . Instead the whole Suni government was dismantled thus enabling Shia Iran to get in. After 9/11 Osama bin laden escaped to remote Afghanistan.Army Rangers unfortunately contracted the task to the Afghanistan militias. Didn't work out too well. And a waste of twenty years $
  3. Sure Saddam had to go. And Osama bin laden had to go. But no country had to be invaded. All required would be US special forces. Snipers for Saddam and army rangers to get Osama in Afghanistan.
  4. Invading Iraq after 9 11 would be like invading Argentina after Pearl Harbor. https://www.corpwatch.org/article/cheney-halliburton-and-spoils-war
  5. So $ billions of weapons getting lost, some no doubt ending up with terrorists. "So what" The Southern border invasion in the US costing billions. "So what" Anarchy/mass looting in the liberal saps run cities."So what" Both of which could be prevented with an Army Corps of Engineers WALL from the Pacific to the Gulf. And sending the military into cities to restore order. Providing the US gets the president it needs: RFK jr. DeSantis, or Trump. Preferred DeSantis. That's what.
  6. High time to stop sending Billions down this rat hole. Putin is going to end up with about half of Ukraine anyway, should have let him have it a long time ago. And spare the "domino effect" here. Russia is not going to invade Europe. Seems all that institutional bribing, I mean campaign contributions from the military industrial complex to the policy makers has paid 📴 on that not such a winding road from Afghanistan and Iraq to Ukraine. Hopefully a Trump president would get out of that lost cause. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/01/11/us-failed-track-more-1-billion-military-gear-given-ukraine-pentagon-watchdog-says.html
  7. And I just read that up to possession of 5 methamphetamine pills is legal. And of course when someone is wired on speed they are very much inclined to drink to take the edge off.
  8. Now all they have to do is replace methamphetamine with heroin
  9. After "these people" destroyed that nice sandy shady area at North end. With a parking lot that is just about vacant even on weekends.
  10. Could care less about when/where/who/what all drinking. But these people coming to Pattaya to smoke cigarettes and waddle around the malls?? Don't they have cigarettes and malls where they come from?. Sure you can find up scale people here in selected venues. But the general ------- public here around the town are mostly overweight cigarette smoking slobs.
  11. You have a reference for that? There are 2.54 cm/inch. Then the whole place would be less than 1/2 called for ??
  12. That area has been changed to an Exit. So all the traffic has to go into the same old entrance jam and enter the garage in the back. Actually the garage as not ever been full. Of course another screw. What else is New.
  13. You shall always be remembered as one of the - it happens everywhere/Thai apologists, denialists
  14. If the fermentation process is improper/incomplete the acetyl aldehyde is not reduced ,(addition of hydrogen )to ethenol. Then aldehyde will be in excess in the wine
  15. Wouldn't drink this domestic aldehyde ,I mean wine, if it was free
  16. Another one that the Phuket news "missed" This passenger speedboat slammed into rocks in the afternoon? https://www.thephuketnews.com/russian-girl-5-killed-as-phuket-speedboat-slams-into-rocks-90770.php
  17. When Trump wins the election the Schadenfreude is going to be worth a million dollars
  18. Sure hope so: Trump or DeSantis only sane choice for this sorry mess at Southern border.
  19. This decarboxylation business is a rabbit hole. It is not that critical regarding all these variables: Decarboxylation during combustion is about 1000 F. So why all this control this control that about it. What I do is just grind up about 4 grams leaves/flowers . Put in a frying pan with enough coconut oil to cover it , about 250ml. Then heat it while monitoring the CO2 bubbling up during decarboxylation. With out burning it. So off on the heat for "about" 20 minutes/until the CO2 is released. So now I add dark chocolate powder, brown sugar, and wheat germ for filling it out. Any wheat flower would work. Then let pour the mixture into pan and let cool to a solid. Then cut up to small cubes. Then keep in refrigerator. And these brownies for sure do it. *** One more thing. You can either chew and swallow or let disolve under tongue. Seems under tongue is a lighter high. Do start with only one of these cubes - pretty strong.
  20. This is the dive boat that sunk . And looks like a river boat that was inappropriately beng used as a seagoing vessel. Article said the wind blew it over !!??. Just ridiculous https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40034067
  21. Right alot of wild cards/sideliners here and with "about"a rolling two million of them. And about twenty million ladies from 18 - 46 in the general population - So about 1 in 10 . No complaints here.
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