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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Just: Don't look, Don't talk, Don't listen.Regarding these local males around here.
  2. Care less about the water,feels good on hot days. But this place is too chaotic as is.
  3. They are really thrashing around now on these tourism ideas , every day something including the chinese Are the tourist numbers that bad? Sure does not look like it in Pattaya
  4. Yes and a nice natural area - Enjoy it while it lasts: "these people" are coming with their bogus contractor/kicked back parking lots. After they destroyed the nice sandy,shady area at the North end with a bogus parking lot with very few cars at any time. It looks like the area is going to have to be re built. So that is going to be a construction mess for a long time. Including these construction trailers trash
  5. Nothing to do with tides Hoss. The beaches in Na Jomtien have been filled with sand. The beaches farther North not been re filled with sand.
  6. Yes and those poisons evolved there via "natural selection" Those poisons have survival value for the plant. For protection from getting eaten
  7. Ya all can talk about the police non enforcement and the "problems" with pedestrian bridges until the cows come home. While this poor young women lost her life.
  8. That's a no brainer : Pedestrian overpasses. Besides waiting for a gap the pedestrian bridges are the only safe crossing. And spare the "people won't use them " line, that's their problem
  9. Infrastructure??? Denial/delusion. This is not about infrastructure.
  10. They are not on because thais drive through them
  11. And unfortunately I judge people in the way that they drive.
  12. @roo860 "Quite enjoyed Jomtien Beach" Indeed Jomtien now is more like Pattaya 15 years ago than what Pattaya is now.
  13. You see @Mike Lister what @hotchilli and myself are trying to convey: If the Bank of Thailand has $212 Billion then the $16 Billion giveaway should not be a problem. Edit, pilfering and exchange rate fluctuating are two different things- Adios
  14. Exchange rates varying is not the subject of the post by @hotchilli or the context of my reply where I referenced his post.
  15. You are way off . Thailands so called foreign currency reserves are $ 212 Billion . The 560 billion baht give away equals $16 billion dollars. So seems hot chillies question is valid
  16. Have no idea what this one liner nonsense is about. Let me elaborate on my post: This whacko like alot of others who go one these shootings was known to law enforcement and even advertised his intent. So his residence should have been raided and guns seized. For starters.
  17. Ask these liberal SAPS in governments where some whackos civil rights are more important than pubic safety
  18. Right , just try complaining to city halll about anything
  19. Maybe GDP under Trump was low because Trump unlike Johnson, bush , Obama and now Biden did not give away billions for bogus wars that benefit the military industrial complex. And back on topic : The bank of Thailand should stop spending foreign currency reserves to artificially prop up the baht. Let the baht go to about 40/$ and the economy (exports and tourism will increase. They should forget about attracting wrealthy tourists and go for middle class. These folks who stay in the 3 star hotels are not going to return when they have to put up with these local jerks on motorbikes on the sidewalks
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