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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. "Pattaya beach is aimed at attracting tourists" Could have fooled me. So let me get this straight: What previously was a nice environment , see photos ( with no "drunks and bottles strewn all over" A nice environment that attracted the Europeans in July and August,mini high season. Now the city;-contractors transform that nice area into a glorified road with locals on motorbikes, pickup parties.The Europeans stopped putting up with that ****show . And by the way most tourists not here for the girls only go to that area in daytime. In another topic the beach venders complained about lack of business because of parking. That is not the problem. Look again at before/after photos and have some coffee.
  2. The #"##show now . The nice environment before. Mission accomplished
  3. Taking denial and Thai apologies to the next level. Even Stevie Wonder could see what's going on here.
  4. Mission accomplished: Destroy the nice environments that attracted Westerners, who they really do not want here. For example the beach promenade used to attract Europeans before it was destroyed. All they want here are oblivious Thais, chinese, Indians, and Russians. I guess they don't care about the lost business at selected venues.
  5. These people just can't stop screwing this place over with concrete.
  6. I guess not but a pro Russian administration was ousted in 2014 with the help of the U. S. and replaced with a far right administration in Ukraine https://jacobin.com/2022/02/maidan-protests-neo-nazis-russia-nato-crimea
  7. This is all about ' anything goes in the name of anti communism. Started after WW2 with the Nazis (the enemy of my enemy is my friend) It's all over look at the Americas: Chile, Nicaragua. Then Vietnam. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/ousted-ukraine-president-warns-of-civil-war-criticizes-us-for-aiding-current-government/2014/03/11/13fd0482-a907-11e3-b61e-8051b8b52d06_story.html
  8. Referring to the 2014 coup in Ukraine that replaced the pro Russian government with a far right government. Well it was also the Europeans besides the Obama administration that started this https://www.cato.org/commentary/americas-ukraine-hypocrisy
  9. Actually it's a 75 $ Billion trainwreck. Let the Europeans take care of it . It's their problem. Does crumbling infrastructure, shabby international airports, inner city degradation, an invasion on the Southern border because funding was blocked for the WALL. Less important than another Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq????. I'm otta here. You pro military industrial complex people knock yourselves out with this nonsense. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/heres-how-much-aid-the-u-s-has-sent-to-ukraine
  10. How far do you people want to take this??. Let Putin have part of Ukraine. So what.
  11. Could care less about the Russians in Afghanistan. And did you forget how arming Bin Laden and al queda worked out - 9/11. And could care less about the Russians in Ukraine. It is going to end with Russia getting about a third of Ukraine anyway. Just another waste of $ billions for the military industrial complex. Look Hoss, don't have time for history lessons.
  12. https://theconversation.com/us-military-spending-in-ukraine-reached-nearly-50-billion-in-2022-but-no-amount-of-money-alone-is-enough-to-end-the-war-197492
  13. 14 $billion and counting. It's a train wreck. Wasn't Afghanistan/Iraq enough for you people???
  14. Forget about it, lost cause, long gone. Leave them to their troubles- because they got them. Hello Jomtien
  15. This is just above walking st. Now this area is an utter ****show
  16. Yes many things working against them: Like the cities deliberate destruction of what was a nice draw for tourism along the beach. For making a wasteland that benefited contractors/kickbacks. And of course for some behind this glorified road, the beach was made very inhospitable to foreigners rendezvousing with the local women.
  17. 'Issues with older construction under the road delaying installation of new pipes and drainage systems '. If that's the case and likely is then that is a major problem. Then combined with so few working if at all.
  18. Actually I miss wrote: Negative test today as always. The (+) was referring to the quote about prevention, I do those things plus more
  19. Right, couldn't pay me enough to take this mystery juice. BMI , 21. And above + test today.
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