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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Of course it works. A couple posters here will give you everything else and a song except the solution.
  2. What's missing in Jomtien is a go go bar right on Beach Rd. This seems to be an overlooked opportunity. That is a small classic style go go. No moonscapes, no giant gorillas . And some classic music the girls can dance to. There are many locations available.
  3. Bull sh*t. All talk no walk. I went to city hall last week. Made complaint form including map. Two days later dogs still around. So I had a Thai call the number given 038 111826 which does connect with the right dept. and complain. Still no action taken
  4. And then there was the deliberate destruction of the promenade by city hall. They and their "influencers'' could not have that nice scene along the beach where foreigners enjoyed meeting the local women. Take a look at before and the sh*tshow now.
  5. These people have the motive and the means to screw you over one way or another. Don't give them the opportunity.
  6. So US '$ reserves will be worthless in a few months according to you. And that is why Thailand is buying baht with dollars in order to artificially keep the baht overvalued. Ok I will believe anything you say. https://www.reuters.com/article/economics-dollar-reserves-idUSKCN2LY1O2
  7. I agree and all of the above in a one km radius. Thailand has the complete package. But it's just a matter of time before Vietnam displaces Thailand. And that includes FDI manufacturing for export.
  8. That's right all these Thais on the beach yesterday and only a few jet skis . The game is finally over for these jerks. Schadenfreude
  9. There have been jet skies on the main beach for months . So what's new here besides the new daily bs
  10. Its really amazing how these thai apologists can't stop with their: "it happens everywhere"- Ad Nauseam.
  11. So foreign currency reserves dropped 5.7% in April. as the bank of Thailand spent about $12.5 billion to prop up , I mean "manage" the baht. At this rate more than half their foreign currency reserves will be gone in a year. Hello 1997 parties over. 42b/$
  12. From link above. They may not have been an ongoing couple but just were together in the bar . So one scenario has this local lowlife hasseling the girl. So David steps in and an altercation starts.
  13. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2764038/Did-Thai-murder-victims-argue-island-gangster-hour-brutally-killed-Locals-claim-no-one-speak-scared.html
  14. This was not a random attack. Very most likely one of these connected lowlife locals in that bar tried to hit up on the girl. Then the her boyfriend reacted against this local for good reason but poor judgement. So when they left the bar... Another take away here: Do not place yourself anywhere there at thai males drinking whatever. Also I have never ever seen any kind of report at all about what was going on in that bar between the couple and the local lowlifes??
  15. Sure it was bad judgement to be flashing gold . But this is strongarm robbery by criminal lowlife locals against two tourists. So I would rather blame the city and so called police for their inaction in patroling and preventive action rather than the victims. Unlike the US where someone's civil rights are more important than your safety, here there is nothing stopping the authorities from rounding them up. And taking them away. Fascism is not all bad.
  16. Unfortunately with over $200 billion in foreign currency reserves they can run this baht overvalued game for a long time. The same groups that benefit from overvalue are also In position to "manage" the baht. Not only can they buy property in London on the cheap - the added plus here is the hardship on foreigners the overvalued baht causes . And it's no secret that the elites do not want foreigners coming over buying up girls on the cheap. Ill let the economists and socialologists comment on how sustainable this policy is .
  17. We will see how that works out for them. Read the article. Hello 1997
  18. Is that why the BoT used $16 billion of foreign currency reserves in the past 12 months to buy baht in order to artificially strengthen it ? See article.
  19. (3) One less of these local male jerks in pickups to worry about. Couple days ago on Beach Rd in front of Hard Rock: one of these pickup jerks parked then proceeds to make a U turn heading North the wrong way , then shortly makes another U turn and proceeds South. No amount of driver education can prevent these people not playing with a full deck.
  20. Typo . You meant BOT need not intervene to keep it overvalued. Well yes the Bank of Thailand has intervened by buying $16 billion worth of baht. You need to check your economic logic here: With the FED raising interest rates investeors both Thai and foreign will take their investments out of Thailand and into US investments. This devaluing the baht.
  21. The article is by Chartchai Parasuk regarding Thai interest rate policy from a 5 May local newspaper. I'm sure you can find it
  22. But it is only "managed" in one direction : keeping it overvalued. Regarding economic recovery since exports which includes tourism is the main economy driver it would seem 40/$ would be better than 34/$. The person who wrote this article has a PhD in economics so maybe you should read it. How many different ways do ya all in the river here have for manipulation, support,manage,maintain stability,bla bla bla
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