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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Indeed they do not have the technical knowledge to produce wine. The awful taste of these so called Thai wines is mostly from excess acetaldehyde from incomplete fermentation: the aldehyde is not being reduced (addition of hydrogen) to produce ethanol.
  2. Did you read that many layered entire link? Because it is more complicated than 'someone says so'. At this point unless there is something very concrete/specific showing something illegal like transferring sensitive material to the Saudis In a quid pro quo exchange with his son in law, Jared who received a "loan" from Saudi Arabia - then this episode is going nowhere.
  3. So in addition to avoid stepping into a well on the sidewalk. Watch for the hanging wires around your neck. And in this family friendly resort don't forget to look both ways when crossing the sidewalks
  4. Some more for social media posts. This missing tile exposes a 1/2 meter drop to a water level. So this sidewalk just up from lam pho seafood market has no substrate at all in this area. I placed a cone on it. But a 120 kg person is going to collapse it down.
  5. A train of drivers who do not stop to allow a women with baby to continue crossing a road are selfish in any culture. And this face business only makes the problem worse : The concept of not embarrassing someone has been hi jacked by reckless selfish Thai drivers allowing them to continue being selfish and reckless without being held accountable.
  6. About time to stick a fork in this one
  7. Indeed and just the fact that such a high percentage of these foreigners are cigarette smokers confirms this by construction
  8. They could get close to 18 million tourists but only continuing to move downmarket: They go on and on about high quality tourism but the long term trend is flat / declining arrivals from high spend countries and growth from low spend countries. Case in point-Pattaya beach used to have a mini high season for Europeans July and August. But with the consecutive "improvement projects" and now the beach side parking for pickup parties and locals riding motorbikes on that glorified road, promenade. The Europeans gave up. Quality tourist are not going to put up with the crowded and badly maintained environment. Thailand may get the numbers and still be poorer than ever.
  9. There used to be stacks of them at Soi Bukow market. Cheap 100 baht. But where are they now?
  10. Sure it's boosting domestic tourism - At the expense of foreign tourism. Like I've said before: July and August used to be mini high season along the beach with the Europeans. But after two consecutive "projects" along the beach they gave up. Now with the beach side (pickups parking) as well as lowlife locals on motorbikes on that glorified road , I mean promenade , the Europeans along the beach are long gone. Yesterday Sunday took songkow from North to South and walked beach from South to North. About 99% Thais.
  11. Enforcing traffic controls = Singapore? = Strawman
  12. Worn off or not effective especially for this BA 5. . https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32836826/ It's inconceivable I haven't been exposed going through this market several times a week (buying fresh garlic +) for past years. By the way I am unvaccinated for SARS-CoV-2
  13. The best walking poles/sticks around here wash up on the beach. 2 meters bamboo and varnish.
  14. https://thepattayanews.com/2022/07/23/42-year-old-driver-crashes-into-street-barrier-and-dies-in-pattaya/ Another one of these you don't have to worry about.
  15. Idiots compassion. Today on Beach around Soi-4 in this "family friendly " resort. What do these animal out of control people do every day besides turn the lights on?
  16. And the area In back that was grassy with trees is 100% ruined. Most likely the same teams that wrecked Pattaya Beach area. (Sukhumvit by the sea) These people really know how to screw a place up.
  17. As well as the kicked back city hall employee who gave out contract.
  18. For sure there is some heavy surf along that part of the coast. A fishing boat was hit by wave and capsized off Trat. The report says the doctor was washed out by a large wave and that the friends dragged him out of the surf. This suggests it was just the backwash from a large wave that got him: If it was an organized rip tide he would have been carried out bound at least 25 meters and not in a position for the friends to drag him out of the surf. So yes it seems he was not an ocean swimmer at all .And probably did not have the basic experience to just dive under the wave. Instead the wave hit him and put him under some whitewater. Then as he was being rolled he took on some water. Next the normal backwash from the wave running up the beach could have rolled him back out where he also took on more water.
  19. Right you certainly don't read about any Californians or Australians drowning in Thailand.
  20. Going out in those conditions without fins was a mistake. The girl was found 300 meters South. Not all rips are outbound. This was as I suspected a side rip along the shore. Either from tidal current or waves hitting a point at an angle and water forced along shore.Then at the other point the water is outbound. In any case, as you did, just go for a ride and get picked up later.These two most likely started struggling as they lost control of their position.
  21. That does not apply to French nationals. She has French citizenship
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