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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Yes indeed. Here are some more Thais with the XX chromosome
  2. What view would attract tourists, this (just above walking st) or the sorry s*** show there now? And if the police cared about tourists they would get rid of the trash with the XY chromosomes. Bukow? - would rather be in Bangkok. I dare say Hoss you are on the wrong side of this topic.
  3. This is the promenade before these bogus projects. A very nice environment for all. But this scene where Westerners met local women had to go. Mission accomplished city hall. It's going to be about all thais along the beach now. Pickup parties motorbikes mutually exclusive for Westerners on vacation.
  4. Outside of the contract/kickbacks this is only going to benefit the thais with their cars. This project looks to be going through the high season. So as with past consecutive projects that damaged the European mini summer high season along the beach. There will now be another crowd of Westerners who not only will not be coming back but who also may cancel/change plans when they see this ongoing construction mess. Again they talk up quality tourism but cannot stop screwing this place up for Westerners. I don't even think the Indians are going to put up with it.
  5. I'm surprised they haven't made things more difficult. You know some Thais read this forum and with the condescending comments year in year out about Thais it doesn't help. Although I agree with those comments.
  6. You could say the same about these ladyboys: If Westerners did not buy from them then they would have go looking for work as extras in horror shows. * And by the time way @Confuscious that should be are the police... Are for plural
  7. Indeed. Visiting tourists are not going to pay much mind to set prices for services. They just want to relax and enjoy. But the Thais just don't understand that dogs arriving at same time the food does, cigarette smoke from venders, low life locals on motorbikes on the "promenade" is not good for business. That is outside of "these" cigarette smoking foreigners who most likely are happy as pigs in s### in that sorry environment.
  8. https://www.pattayamail.com/news/beach-road-drainage-pipe-installation-to-begin-in-june-47271 But they forgot to include inline permanent pumps. Photos next post above Soi6 And North end. From the link in this post note that major project with 2m diameter pipes going from sump at soi6 and over 1km out into bay failed. So all this retro work and portable pumps.
  9. That's quite a prediction. Would that include Pattaya? If so you should be discussing this with @newnative because I'm curious how long it is going to be to find out who is correct.
  10. Yes it is very unfortunate that these liberal saps in government, at all levels, can block necessary enforcement projects while taking the country to ruin. Lot to be said for a more authoritarian democracy: You can be sure this wall would have been built with Singaporean style.
  11. That's what WALLS are for. All Trump had to do was order the Army Corps of Engineers to construct a real wall from the gulf to the Pacific. But he wimped out on that.
  12. Any country that has a s***load of reckless lowlife local males will see this sort of behavior
  13. Absolutely beautiful days with warm clear Southerly winds. Today:
  14. Only by voodoo math. That is averaging over the total population. The very wealthy high income 5% with the low income 95%. And by the way with the minimum daily wage of about 350 - 400 baht not a very good point.
  15. From searches it is not $240 billion. Some said below $200 billion. https://m.investing.com/economic-calendar/thai-forex-reserves-(usd)-1326
  16. You will know it when it is in Thailand from the overdoses . Actually fentanyl thrives where heroin is not so available as it is a cheap synthetic substitute. So Thailand should not have any problems with fentanyl with the heroin availabllity due to its location.
  17. And it gets better and better. https://thepattayanews.com/2022/09/15/rolling-loud-thailand-hip-hop-music-event-set-to-hit-pattaya-in-april-2023/
  18. Not only the racket from these frequent events. There is all this construction / deconstruction of beach stages that goes on for days to put up with. Seems these ever increasing events (never been this many) are an attempt to compensate for the major lack of foreign visitors. Just about all Thais here now.
  19. As is the construction trailer trash about Jomtien Beach Rd @ Soi 13
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