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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. They have gotten carried away with these concrete infrastructure kickback projects. Near Naklua lam pho seafood market . Before and the sh*t show now.
  2. The point is the Thai drivers have to apply those breaks at a red light- some do some don't. It actually safer to cross anywhere else when it is clear. Rather than assume at a light they will stop.
  3. The lights are not the problem: Brakes stop cars not lights.
  4. Yes take Pattaya beach road and second road. The city takes all this money for these bs kickback promenade projects that have ruined a previously nice environment into a glorified road for lowlife local males on motorbikes . And besides this hazard the city can't even build some pedestrian overpasses for the safety of tourists ?
  5. Yes Europeans + Americas are less in number than China. But they stay longer. The accurate figure here is tourist days: arrivals x length of stay. Example. 10 arrivals x 3 days = 30 tourist days and is less than 4 arrivals x 20 days = 80 tourist days. Then if you divide total recipes by tourist days: For China, $196/TD . For Europeans+Americas , $133/TD
  6. And will even mid level tourists want to share an indoor/outdoor restaurant with one corner hi-jacked by a moto taxi crew.
  7. What needs cleaning up is the trash, stray dogs, lowlife local males on motorbikes on sidewalks, and the water. Could be a tourism bonanza -. But thainess will always prevail unfortunately. Going to be awhile before I get in this water in the bay. https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/swimmersitch/faqs.html
  8. Yes you can find beer in some places in Pattaya. And it's also lo key as you report from hin
  9. What ever happened to Bang Saen- beach for thais and their motorbikes and cars. All this parking lot /traffic is getting out of hand. Taking the environment to ruin.
  10. There you have it: one mole of sucrose (table sugar) goes to four moles of ethanol. This is a quiz. Suppose to three liters of grape juice, each contains 22 grams sugar , you add 750 grams sugar. If the reaction goes to completion with help of tablespoon yeast. What will the percent of alcohol by volume be ? Show work
  11. From page 6 : Close contacts who are Sars-Cov-2 exposed are often both NAT negative and antibody negative indicating that Sars-Cov-2 failed to establish a successful infection. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350192067_Exposure_to_SARS-CoV-2_generates_T-cell_memory_in_the_absence_of_a_detectable_viral_infection
  12. From screenshot: if 93% had been exposed (to close family infected members) yet only 60% of those were seropositive, then seems safe to say that while everyone is going to be exposed to this virus not all will become infected https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/what-is-the-role-of-t-cells-in-covid-19-infection-why-immunity-is-about-more-than-antibodies/
  13. There is more to an open sky window than the view. There is the nice reflected light from objects inside. Photo feng shui. Compared to the inside of a cardboard box.
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