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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. " Musk had claimed it was suspicious the 63-year-old lived in Thailand before explicitly branding him a "paedo" in one post. "  That sounds like Musk is labeling all of us long standing expats in Thailand as paedos??


    I am not a stock market man so some of this is over my head, but didn't I read recently that Musk was trying to buy up all the shares in Tesla for himself?  Wouldn't this would be a good way to have the share price drop, as it did with his first accusations, thus making it cheaper for him to buy out the company?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, rickjza said:

    the Thais are very mature with their driving attitude, always giving way and ready to stop for people blocking the road to cross. This system would never work back home. Sadly I see foreigners here ready to blow the horn when only slightly inconvenienced on the roads, yelling and screaming acting childlike.

    Well that confirms it, definitely a troll....and a troll who has never driven or even followed the news in Thailand.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I always have the window open my side with air con on.....and I always have done.  Yes I am a smoker but even when I am not smoking I have the window down. 


    What is it with these people that think there is something wrong with it??  Do they think we should hide?  Do you have a problem with other people actually looking into your eyes or heaven forbid, smiling at you. 


    Have you thought about a wearing a hijab or balaclava when you are forced to open your window or venture out of your car?/


    I cant believe I am actually responding to such nonsense. 


    Get some anti-paranoia medication and get a life!

    • Haha 1
  4. Available in most big hardware outlets.  I bought some last year from Thai Watsadu in Udon so imagine most branches have it.  Used to make activated EM so if they dont understand what you want ask for EM, usually on same shelf.  May need to check if food grade (if thats what you want).

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/9/2015 at 1:44 PM, slipperylobster said:

    Apprehended in front of the Police Station?

    I suppose their idea was to choose the best place to hide out, or operate out of.

    Well there was actually a quite famous bank robber in Australia called the Postcard Bandit who had a penchant for having his photo taken outside Police Stations or sometimes outside of the bank he had robbed.  He has even been known to ask passing coppers to take his photo for him with the copshop in the background.  He would then have the photo developed and would make a postcard out of it and address it to the copshop.  I think Brendan Abbott was his name??  He got away with it for years.

  6. 1 hour ago, BEngBKK said:

    Theese Thai woman are so bad..... 

     Totally agree.  These poor western men come to Pattaya to enjoy the beachside family resort and are taken advantage of by these morally corrupt local women.  One cannot even walk down the street without being harassed by these sex starved filthy perverts.  And why is it the local men cannot fully satisfy them.


    Its time the western embassies issued travel warnings advising men to avoid traveling to Pattaya, Phuket and Pattaya etc or risk moral degradation.  Maybe posters at the airports may help along with warnings on the back of arrival passes. ?

  7. 14 minutes ago, Daffy D said:

    Yet another good one is "Eye in the Sky" with Helen Mirren so you know it's going to be good. 


    It's an intense film well acted and it really reflects how difficult it gets to give clearance for an attack when an innocent life gets in close proximity to a target.

    There is a conflict between human ethics and achieving military objective.
    Can 1 innocent life be sacrificed in order to save many? That's the question on which the whole movie revolves around.


    Well worth a look.

    Yes I have seen it thanks.  So good I may even watch it again!

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks I will look for Zero Dark Thirty.....funny but title seems familiar??   A lot of these US movies I pass by because they usually are nothing but American propaganda however now and then you come across one or two that are actually based on fact and are very good.


    You might also like Oliver Stone's "W" (2008). which chronicles George W. Bush floundering his way through his early adult years as a drunk unable to hold down any job his father obtained for him, until  he blundered his way through politics, POTUS, and the Iraq war.

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  9. 29 minutes ago, Oziex1 said:

    Most of us believe right or wrong that profitable crime is sanctioned by the Thai authorities, weather they are getting brown envelopes or simply turning a blind eye while the big men go about their business.


    Seems remarkable to me that this guy can close down so many scams without being called off.

    Not if you have to advise first what your next target is ?

  10. 33 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

    He's taking the pi$$ on all the racist comments on here about Thai Ford owners, Thai drivers, Thais road users in general, their Thai mothers & their Thai dogs.

    Not forgetting Thai factories and the Thai employees working in said Thai factory. For a 1/40th of the wage a Mexican, sorry, 'Mercan would earn in a Ford factory in the good ole USA. And how the Thai product must be inferior to the USA product even if the same company owns the factories...

    Get it now?

    Yep, thank you very much.

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