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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Wow you may be right, it would explain a lot, but it would have to be some really heavy <deleted>.
  2. A well informed member? here has claimed cannabis use leads to violence such as some killing their parents for weed money and yet these countries where cannabis is legal have not reported the same?
  3. What do you mean do nothing? Just in the last 2 weeks they have blamed Cambodia for the pollution PLUS warned people off getting carried away burning incence sticks! Thats twice as much as their usual effort!
  4. Can you confirm what airport, what time you will arrive and a pic to recognise you? Im sure I can help you lol!
  5. You cant tell these days. Im Australian but nowadays most calling themselves Australians look like indians lol!
  6. Re Buster Da Body Crab: The great kerosine flood did the job.
  7. Excellent! You understand it, the farmers understand it, why doesnt the government? I know it all comes back to dollars and cents but it is a shame that subsidised cooperatives cant be organised to turn all the agricultural waste, such as sugar cane and corn waste, into mulch or compost to feed back into the land which badly needs organic matter. Nearly everything is burned with almost nothing going back ino the soil. The result would be much cleaner air and increased farm production.
  8. Always best to check with your local office as they all differ. Our office is happy with a google map but it must be door to door, nearest main intersection is not acceptable.
  9. So the NL. Spain, Portugal and all those US states where weed is legal have been lying through there teeth all this time? Who would believe it? Loll
  10. Why do you never answer the question put to you but instead waffle on about your childhood?
  11. Youre making up more stuff? Show me where I said smoking cannabis all day is fine? GO ON show me?
  12. But they didnt tell you, nor do you still not realise, that alcohol is a drug? Drugs are wrong but alcohol is somehow ok? Some logic you have there mate lol!
  13. Exactly just like it would be with cigarettes. alcohol etc in a public place if we had a police force. Dont just change the laws so you can give the cops more time off, get them to do their jobs.
  14. When I first came here Thai friends were asking how could I eat chicken when I had a bad back? My reply was that I only eat it on Tuesday nights so excempt from any damage. They believed my bulldust over theirs lol!
  15. I think he is say that if you got a life you would realise what you are saying is garbage, your sources might at least relate to your argument and you might also get to enjoy life!
  16. Huh? Are you high? Theres not one mention of weed in your sources? lol!
  17. Bwahahahahaha, boy you really have been doing your research haha! Most ignorant post for the year. Show us one news article reporting that....just one!
  18. That of course would be entirely logical however we dont live in a country where logic has any meaning.
  19. I was raided by the cops a few years ago and when one of the pigs was searching my then wife's 'smalls' drawer he set of a rotating vibrator hidden under her knickers. I wish I had a camera to get a shot of the look and colour of his face.
  20. Yeah lets just do what we have always done, deny or ignore, until its too late.
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