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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. One thing for sure is Israel will end up stealing more land from the Palestinians and the rest of the world will look the other way. I feel Hamas has bitten off far more than it can handle but then what alternative does a hunted beast have when cornered?
  2. you may just be on to something there!....................................what was it again?
  3. Kettles Cafe in Denmark, West Australia had the best pies. I was doing some property development there and could not resist a pie every time I had to go into town. Steak and mushroom or steak and kidney were the best. If anybody's in Udon there is a great pie shop opposite side but down the road from Makro. Villa there also stock same pies.
  4. Spent some of my hippy days on the beach in south Morroco. Biggest daily chore was collecting firewod which is like hens teeth in the desert. Had two southern US mates who would always pack too many hash cookies for the trek and nearly every day we would have to go search for them only to be found giggling about their navels under a tree!! hahaha! Great times. 1,000's of people, yes 1000's, all stoned and camped out along the beach and never saw one bit of aggression in 3 months. Couldnt say the same about OctoberFest.
  5. some can unfortunately but stop and think about the hurdles this poor guy must go through in everyday life......some of us are truly blessed.
  6. He made a simple spelling mistake and thats all you have as a comeback? You really have done your research bwahahahaha!
  7. No? Did you read the article? They were not rescued they were found. They were not kidnapped they were stranded by their boss when the war broke out.
  8. Exactly, this is a terribly biased report which spells very poor journalism.
  9. Youre exactly right, they should be keeping quiet with such cases as it actually puts them in a bad light and certainly nothing to boast about.
  10. "Fair" party lol! Was the name Terribly Honest already taken? hahaha!
  11. He may be suffering from feelings of national guilt but I doubt they have feelings except for themselves.
  12. You should all show more respect considering he has come all the way down fom Mt Olympus to try and help us all. ????
  13. Agreed but what about the other two, did they not care he had: "genital infections, swollen lymph nodes in the groin and fluid-filled bumps on his face, arms and penis." ?? Must have been tasty to go down on .......yuk!
  14. Does this guy smile in his sleep? He has one of those smiles like he is looking you in the eye and saying "I am truly trucking you in the arse, everybody knows it, and there aint nothing you can do about it".
  15. No its the same "stricter" speech we had last time and the time before and................................
  16. a working panel? a commitee? oh well there goes all the money saved from not buying any new toys in 2024.
  17. Same years ago in Hong Kong but inside the bank with shotguns. The message loud and clear was "one false move and everybody gets it, guilty or not!"
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