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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Biggest hurdle is fear of loss of face, most Thais wont say a word unless they are sure its perfect. I tried to introduce more use of audio visuals when I was teaching because its no sectret kids cant take their eyes of a screen even if its just the weather. I was refused because the school believed the parents would complain the teachers are just being lazy by letting the kids watch TV?? I dont think its so much resentment as nationalism, Thailand is perfect, the biggest and best country in the world, best food etc etc. Why learn an inferior language? Anyhow Prayut said the rest of the world will speak Thai soon.
  2. and many school nurseries too but crowd control is main activity there haha!
  3. That is applicable to many countries today not just the UK. Im an old Aussie, born and bred, and was talking to someone online a few days ago who said he was Australian and my reply was "Thats funny, you dont look Indian at all"! LOl
  4. Not 100% sure but think it is because Thailand's curriculum supports real English whereas the Philippines supports the American 'I am hopless at spelling' style English.
  5. You can bring in all the programmes you want but proficiency will not improve until the schools cease operating as cash cows and start operating as educational institutions. And because this will never happen in our lifetimes you may be better off going back to just blaming the teachers (and it doesnt cost anything too). Another suggestion to encourage the kids would be to have more intelligent leaders who dont say things like "Dont worry about learning English, the rest of the world will be speaking Thai soon". Until then its same same but different.
  6. Well at least they didnt have to modify an existing language because they cant spell.
  7. Jet ski. Then hed have to pay the outlandish repairs as well.
  8. read the papers, its everywhere everyday. No source required
  9. A 15 century term for fool? You are behind with the news arent you
  10. Hey you cant go around spouting the truth like that, which side are you on lol!
  11. Its all about tradeoffs otherwise the likes of Bush, Nixon and Kissinger etc would have ended up behind bars for their major war crimes/genocide.
  12. Logic will do you no good here, youre competing with long term propaganda.
  13. Thats right, look at him, he wont even spend money on a swim suit.
  14. Its common among terrorists, Al queda, Isis, etc all come from lots of different countries.
  15. No there was a rumour going around that all the Israelis were going to be herded to one corner of the island, surrounded by walls and barbed wire and blockaded in. Whenever they wanted to leave they would be humiliated by being questioned, searched and abused. For some reason they find that idea unacceptable and decided to leave. Lucky they have somewhere to go (for now).
  16. "What a coincidence, we are looking for something too"!
  17. They are very light wieght so comfortable enough for sleeping in either lying down or upright at your desk. The safety green ensures you are not run over while sleeping out while drunk.
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