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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. I had cancer of the bladder, twice removed, 3 monthly bladder scope tests for last 2 years. Also severe back problems, spent 2 days in hospital on morphine after collapsing in bathroom. All at local government hospitals. I take my hat off to the doctors and nurses at government hospitals for their excellent service. The price? Not an issue compared to the 5 star hospitals where your bill includes the cost to repaint and recarpet your room plus every cotton bud, tissue and breath of air you took while on the premises.
  2. Rather have tapioca than the porridge we had to endure every day.....gave us boils!
  3. How do you mange to keep that one eye closed all the time? Are you deaf as well?
  4. Unfortunately the US is blind to the horror and misery it has inflicted in those regions. They still insist they were saving the world lol. Propaganda is an amazing tool.
  5. It was the British and the French who decided Thailand should be a buffer, the Thais had no say. There is also another important factor in why neither France nor Britain wanted to colonise Thailand: it was the dual pricing system! ????
  6. NO! Never admit you can cook or wash dishes and if you are ever coerced into trying, make sure you accidently set fire to the kitchen so you are never asked again! Guys like you spoil it for the rest of us.
  7. Only time in over 30 years here getting severe diarrhoea was from eating mud crab in a 5 star hotel in Pattaya. Cant remember the name of the hotel, maybe thats for the best lol. I never hesitate with ice and water when Im out.
  8. I was very fortunate to have been brought up in a home where racism was not tolerated in any shape or form. I try to take everybody at face value irregardless of race, colour or religion. I have travelled the world and lived amongst peoples of many walks. But Indians, God please give me strength!!
  9. Can you indicate to me where I claimed you invented it? You cant. Oddly enough, its just deflection. But, what I did insinuate is that the saying has been twisted from the one I remember as a child. Maybe try reading it again.
  10. He'll just get up and say hes never heard of this Donald Trump fella.
  11. Submarines? Well its a shame Afghanistan is landlocked otherwise Thailand could have picked up some US submarines and other weapons cheap and in good condition as "thrown away on the run" only once! lol!
  12. Oh yes the "Domino Theory" bwahahahahaha! We know how well that bull<deleted> spread!
  13. The original was "With friends like the USA..................................................." as was coined during WW2. My father served alongside yanks during that war and he would often give me the same warning when I was a child. Try to be original if you are going to invent stuff!
  14. Great Idea, they should have their war games in the Gulf of Mexico. I am sure the US would be quite agreeable given recent history. Good for the goose, good for the gander!
  15. Somebody correct me if otherwise but my taking on that is that only the dead monkey was inside several pastic bags.
  16. The decision has already been made as to what new government Thailand will have, just need to organise how to present it to the people.
  17. Probably be on its way to Sydney tomorrow while 32 kgs of castor sugar gets loaded into the evidence room.
  18. Stupid? What about the Thai girls who, right in the middle of the epidemic, went to Mayanmar to work in the casino, got ill with covid, came back home by illegally crossing the border and recording it all on Facebook as evidence! Thats stupid!
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