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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Yes its a perfect example of modern thai culture. I live in a very small village and yet we have something like 7 temples. Its 3 times as many as the population requires. And they forever have their hands out for some improvement of some kind. They are nothing like the temples you talk of but still too much for a poor village. They could knock them all down and build two big ones to well and truly accupy all the worshippers and more but then there would be no competition for whose got the biggest statue or meeting hall etc. They cant even follow the most basic of Buddhist principles.
  2. How does a monk, who are supposed to live austere lives, come up with 200,000 baht?
  3. Hmm I like what he says but its early days yet.
  4. Sadly you need to have pics of tour boats dropping anchor straight onto coral or fishing boats throwing plastic waste overboard posted on social media before any action is taken. Shove it in our faces for everyone to see or it didnt happen.
  5. First I would visit your local traffic office to ask what they require. Some offices, especially in Isaan dont recognise the yellow book.
  6. Where does this rubbish come from John Wayne? Can we use Afghanistan, Vietnam etc as a good example here. You have to win a war for that to work. I know, yes you did win against Panama, but China is a lot bigger than Panama, look on a map. LMFAO!
  7. I have been living here in Thailand for over 20 years. Prior to that I was a frequent visitor coming 2 or 3 times a year for 15 years. I have family back in Oz including a daughter. Over that 35 odd years I have used Thai post quite a bit, especially when my daughter was younger to send her clothes toys etc. I also found it easier and cheaper to post stuff back to OZ rather than carry it on my travels. Only ONCE in those 35 years have I lost a thing.....one parcel sent to Oz never made it. Lost here or there who knows. Incidently I always used the cheapest post as in no hurry to have it delivered so long as it gets there and it almost always has.
  8. There are also a great many doctors who are concerned about the road toll but dont hesitate to give you a health cert for driving licence without even seeing you lol! Money speaks the loudest in Thailand and will do for the cannabis crew (unless the alcohol lobby get busy with it)
  9. To report that the US has interfered in another country's politics is certainly nothing new, never has been and never will be, but nothing in this report sounds right??
  10. That is disgusting! I wonder how much influence US$14 billion gets you (influence in this case sounds so diluted and weak, maybe force is better)?
  11. We used to have a joke when I was at uni: "If your house is robbed how do you know it was an asian student? All your homework is done and the cat is missing" lol!
  12. You gotta be a troll just trying to stir because nobody in their right mind could believe that.
  13. Oh thats why all the villagers are bowing and scraping at the gate, they think its a statue lol
  14. Exactly! I would be more concerned about him hanging around a girls school lol!
  15. so is her boyfriend , the thai guy called 'brother" lol
  16. I think I dreamt about this, there was a sign in a shop window reading "Free holiday in Thailand with each Travel Insurance Policy purchased here"!
  17. Are you by any chance using Reefer Madness as a source? Damn funny!
  18. Seriously? I gave it a go but was hesitant at first I admit, thinking more US saving the world propaganda or some crap excuse for being defeated in Afghanistan but I thoroughly enjoyed it, thought it was well made and acted.
  19. And it turns women into raging nymphomaniacs losing all control. For heavens sake have we gone back 50 years!
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