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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Yeah but the full story leaves no scope for bitching and whining. Better to get half the story and imagine the rest to suit your current bitch.
  2. Yep think its the same guy with the snakes at Central. Mentally ill or not you cant lock him up? He has money and there are so many who can be paid off, look at Thaksin as a prime example.
  3. Kidnapping for ransom is probably coming soon too. Lets face it they must be running out of ways to parasite farang and get away with it. Its no wonder this country was never colonised, raped, plundered and exploited........the colonisers were scared of being raped, plundered and exploited instead!
  4. Cheap cars dont look good in the driveway. Had exactly the same next door. Husband and wife move to Sri Racha to work in the factories, kids home with the grandparents. Years go by to find husband and wife split up, problem kids dispersed here and there, police knocking on doors and all for a now sad looking Isuzu pick-up with all the fruit still sitting in the driveway that I doubt has done 20,000 km.
  5. When I first courted (bar fined) my Thai wife, she enquired how could I possibly eat chicken if I had a bad back. I eventually convinced her if was all fine and ok so long as it wasnt a Tuesday and I wasnt wearing black.
  6. So a complete reversal of roles from present?
  7. It should read: Thai citizens suspect state officials’ collusion with mafia-style figures....as normal.
  8. I am going to enjoy being in the line and a loud mouth from a certain country has to pay more than me to get the same seats on the same flight hahaha!
  9. yeah but they can lift hevvy fings
  10. No. I think its more like: Farang, we want your money. We would rather you just sent it but stayed home, but if you have to come we'll still take it and more. Now the current criminal organisation running my country, the Australian Government, has taken my pension even though I have followed all the rules, such as 35 years minimum service etc because I have stayed too long outside of Australia. Its because they want me to spend my money in Australia and consume there thus paying gst. They dont want me to spend MY money in Thailand. In addition, even though I am an Australian citizen, born and worked all my life in Australia, because I am an expat they have pigeon holed guys like me along with the chinese investors/speculators and charge us a straight up 50% tax on my investment property if I sell. If that aint enough I now have to pay the Thai govt a percentage as well every time I transfer funds here to live on. You would think the Thai government would be happy just having those foreign reserves brought into and spent in the country. Dual taxing, dual pricing, its all legal thuggery!
  11. One motor bike was stolen in Thailand....wow! Why wasnt this breaking news?
  12. Thats a bit harsh, I thought he presented a very well constructed and thought provoking arguement?
  13. And in order to have a good export market you need a good domestic market so liberal gun laws.
  14. Youre not still eating that pie are you. And this is not the same. Saddam and Gadaffi were taken out over oil, gold and hahahaha sorry, WMD's hahaha!
  15. Oh for sure, the uniform's got guilty written all over it.
  16. I can see her legs in the article? Are you sure it wasnt the tiling or plumbing they wanted to film?
  17. Yes a Swedish friend of a friend died in jail about 3 weeks ago because he ran out of medication for a pre exixting health problem. He had no money for meds so they let him die. "Theres a dead skunk in the middle of the road and its stinking to high heaven!"
  18. We have had 3, start from scratch, new temples built here in the last 5 years. The local fetish seems to have changed from who's bank has a new Isuzu pick up in your driveway to who's moo ban has the biggest and best temple? Its no wonder they always have their hands out. These are only small villages, small population, its all out of whack. But this is also Isaan where you cant eat chicken if you have a bad back unless its a Tuesday and where lots of nasty spirits get around always up to mischief..........................so Im told?
  19. "Ok everybody run around, look busy, ask alot of questions, set somebody up, take photos, dont smile at the cameras, stand rigidly to attention hands clasped at your side. The media will only be around a day or two till its all quickly forgotten and then we can get back to our 'collections'."
  20. No, they have been under pressure from above after the problem with some corrupt officers helping chinese 'businessmen' with visas hit the news. We go to an office whose applications are approved by Khon Kaen. We had difficulty explaining the bank letter to the teller so called the imm office who told us to come to the office before we did anything so he could check our documents. I have been doing extensions for 10 years and have it all off pat, never a problem. In the officwe it was obvious there had been a reshuffle. New front man, old one down the back. This new guy was fussy, the pics werent right, wrong angle, more of the house, the house number must be solid ie made from steel or wood, map must show from our front door to the Imm office door, the bank letter was different from before and included what looked like what somebody else said, a statement. A pain in the butt however we got the distinct feeling this guy was not being a pain but following orders, he couldnt have been more helpful. Considering our experience and that of the OP I would strongly suggest anybody doing a visa renewal up KK way should ring their Imm office to check for any new requirements before going.
  21. Geez.....hiccup!.....I hope that includes the bar fine?
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