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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Wow the RTP is better than Vaudeville Theatre, goes on and on and never closes. Hahaha! (check the dude on the right, his pose, he wants you to know he is really serious hahaha!)
  2. I got a tip to buy rubber stocks as the govt will soon be buying all it can get to build the giant rubber bands to power the rocket.
  3. According to the Yellow Bellied Snapping Turtle Association of Little Rock, Arizona.....................................
  4. "Police work for the public not financial gain" Well well, this is a fresh new approach.
  5. Same as Vegemite?? What?? Yeah you stick with your butter and chip sammy....you dont deserve Vegemite!
  6. My dad hammered out one of mum's best silver serving spoons to make a cement trowel once. She wasnt impressed by his resourcefulness lol!
  7. Ive laughed at every one of your comments havnt I? LOL!
  8. You love to circle the arguement dont you haha!
  9. I think for those kinds of people its all a bit hard to comprehend lol!
  10. You see, theres that baseless arrogance again. What an embarrassment!
  11. No, American English is spelt totally different to the English spoken by those who are not too arrogant to acknowlege that English comes from their old master, Britain. Surley you have noticed that?
  12. Id rather have my Vigo, even ISIS find them much more reliable ????
  13. In the gym I get, the rest I fail to comprehend.
  14. "American English" lol, even alone its ludicrous. Just imagine Australian English or Canadian English, New Zealand English, South African English etc lol. They had no need because they learnt to spell rather than change the language because they couldnt haha!
  15. Not knowing? I know Americans are the least travelled but surely they watch enough TV or spend time on the web etc to see NO-One else wears a hat inside??
  16. You have never heard anyone say they speak American? Never witness the arrogance of Americans? You need to get out more lol!
  17. Always makes me laugh when they brag about everythings bigger in Texas. Texas would get lost in Australia, even in our smaller states lol! Actually, maybe the hats are bigger in Texas. Nobody else would be that silly lol!.
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