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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Reminds me of a converstion I had with a Thai lady once who asked isnt Thailand beautiful? Yes, I said but too much rubbish everywhere. Oh yes she says, but its beautiful isnt it. No I said, too much rubbish! I could stay there all day saying the same thing. She could not see the correlation between rubbish everywhere and the place not being very beautiful. I sometimes think they just dont see it.
  2. My guess is the notes asking for the offenders to drop by the police station when convenient are not working. Suppose its too much to ask the police to go out and actually 'police' the area with it being so hot and the internet signal for their phones never as good as it is behind their desks. Can they not offer rewards for locals to rat them out?
  3. I read it differently. Yes he says he will step down but only after doing everything possible to form a government. I think he is asking the people to reinforce their vote for him, to be heard supporting him against the senators, whether that is by social media, protests in the street, boycott of senators business interests etc. etc.
  4. Just finished binge watching Eps 1 to 4 and thoroughly enjoyed it so far. Thanks.
  5. It was only 1st floor if memory serves me correct.
  6. I find the yanks over use music to dramatise, whereas the British dont and its more about the quality of the story and the actors.
  7. Cant find the British one, only the yank version, stopped watching after ep 5, its was ok but all layed on a bit too thick for me.
  8. Generally speaking he is correct. Thais USUALLY dont complain to anybody and especially anybody of what may be seen as a higher staus. In my village no-one will ring PEC when there are power problems. My wife and her family refuse point blank. Its seen as complaining about their service meaning a loss of face. One time we were running on half power for two weeks because no-one would call. You should get out from under your rock lol!
  9. Exactly! Just like the US spitting the dummy over Soviet nukes in Cuba during the crisis but couldnt see anything wrong with its own nukes in Turkey pointed at Russia lol! Two faced hypocrits who are going to get burnt like they did in Afghanistan if they keep stirring!
  10. Infected with trackers? Misses just bought some worm tablets, any good for trackers?
  11. Having same problem here, Win10, Chrome. Have to refresh before links will open. I was gunna blame the cannabis, seems trendy.
  12. I had the same happen, home branch is Minburi, Bangkok but we live in Isaan. I was told I would have to travel to bangkok for a new card. No way around it. Ended up closing the a/c and paying a fee to open a new a/c nearby. They seem to catch you which-ever way!
  13. Know exactly what you mean, been there, done that! I was the car in front lol!
  14. I think you explained it so eloquently at the bottom of your post: "All pigs fed & ready to fly."
  15. Note to self: Avoid the green cigarettes! Hey wait a minute! Is this Chuwit's doing again?
  16. I would have thought if you were involved in criminal activities you would be making sure your paperwork was in good order else its like having broken tailights on a getaway car lol!
  17. When living in bangkok we had some vacant land next door that some of the neighbours used to garden in. Often times these big centipedes would be flushed out, especially after rain. A couple of the ladies used to bbq them saying they tasted just like goong!
  18. What about George Bush Jnr congratulating the <deleted>-ians!! lol!
  19. I can just hear the excuse: "screw holes are the major cause of rust in roof sheeting. I was trying to save you all the rust problems and this is the thanks I get? Do it yourself!!"
  20. We have sugar cane. Usually we sell in the ground well before harvest. This year no-one wants to even look at it as worried about drought.
  21. I am thinking the same however what is to say that the other banks will not follow SCB's example and switch to mobile? Is this a trend? Local/internationl? Just seems pointless opening new a/c's elswhere if the same will happn.
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