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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Yeah but at least the Romans had some memorable orgies on the way out. Cant see the same happening in the US, I think its all banned there isnt it?
  2. A Swedish friend of a friend died the other day in a Thai prison. Went in at 120 kg and was 60 when he died. No talk of fans, faulty a/c or even meds after he ran out of them. He just died in there. Gee Thaksin, I hope you will be ok. I mean, surely all prisoners are treated alike?
  3. What a load of crap! (sorry cant see any other way to put it).
  4. Well they could have included data on his shoe size?
  5. Do they still use the cubit in the US?
  6. Another disguised dig at the British and its superior systems!
  7. If you dont like it you are free to leave!
  8. I was looking forward to some youtube vids in the future showing him shuffling around in rags, chains and long hair toting a water bottle or among 25 other wretches trying to sleep on a toilet floor 555!
  9. And the arrest without charge of some 1200 protesters who were manacled and stacked, yes their bodies were stacked, in shipping containers, without air or water, to be transported to prison resulting in the deaths of 85 Thai citizens. Thaksin didnt order the massacre but he strongly supported the military/police personel that did, as well as their actions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tak_Bai_incident
  10. I had the same question, according to wiki: "The American Left can refer to multiple concepts. It is sometimes used as a shorthand for groups aligned with the Democratic Party. At other times, it refers to groups that have sought egalitarian changes in the economic, political, and cultural institutions of the United States."
  11. Thank you! You have provided probably the most important piece of info that was totally missing from the article. Thai journalism at is best lol!
  12. Dont give up, you can still post to Donald from prison or maybe personally hand them to him soon as he may be coming to stay lol!
  13. I think you are being highly unfair there, Pattaya BIB have always been known as good earners.
  14. I firmly believe in karma. An example: As a child I had a very poor bladder to brain response rate or maybe it was my faulty family surroundings but the result was that I often wet my pants in first years of school and continued to wet the bed till I was about 8 years old. It was extremely embarrassing to the point I often woke early and would climb up into the old laundry trough and wash my sheets before the family awaoke but they knew. My father would get angry and threaten me whereas my brother, 3 years older, would tease and torment me about it. He used to call me Piddle-o and made sure all of our friends and relatives knew. We went to the same school and there he went out of his way to let everyone know in front of me. He often used to beat me or sit on my chest and spit in my face. It was never ending. I recall telling him in anger one day that I couldnt wait till I was bigger than him to pay him back. Well I never did grow bigger than him over the years but I did hear a couple of years ago he had a battle with bladder cancer which left him with only half a bladder and no control over it at all thus requiring him to wear an adult nappy full time!
  15. Its just the same with kids still dying locked in school vans. Those responsible jump up in shock and have crackdowns when it happens which last 5 minutes till another avoidable incident happens. Its not easy ripping off kids school lunches and watching the kids at the same time.
  16. Yes the police are deeply involved, its called "Operation Natural Attrition"
  17. Exactly same with me. I had heard of shingles but didnt know its relaionship with chicken pox till a mate of mine came down with it two weeks ago. I had never heard of the vaccine till reading this thread. I will have to enquire about it as I dont want to go thru what my mate did.
  18. He may be intelligent, he may be articulate, he may be a good businessman but we are talking about the actor and I stick to my earlier opinion and that is that he is a drop kick as an actor. Just my opinion.
  19. Whats the point of a cake contest if you cant sample the cake?
  20. They have really boring lives and too much free time on their hands.
  21. You have a strange sense of humour lol. Actually its very easy not to like him. Unless you admire knuckle draggers who can lift heavy things but can do nought else. I admit he was very different in Tulsa King, and I enjoyed it but his previous work, in my opinion, hadnt improved much from his Black Stallion days lol. Just my opinion.
  22. I blame cannabis, and the 2 cops in the background not helping? Reckon they were stoned too!
  23. Yeah but then we have to pay someone to empty them......bad idea lol!
  24. This affects tourism, this could tarnish Thailands reputation therefore the solution needs to be found before we worry about the cause.
  25. What he is plainly saying is dont believe politicians full stop! But we already knew that.....didnt we?
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