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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Well I am totally surprised about this dip especially after being voted Number One Destination 2023 by the Little Rock Knitting Club.
  2. When is to much to much? When people still dont know the difference between "to" and "too"! Its just too much to handle! One-one was a racehorse, Two-two was one too, One-one won one race. Two-two won one too!
  3. Lol, possibly but still Infinitesimal compared to the US's interference around the world.
  4. Yes indeed lots of evidence there to keep well away from any US "assistance",, Thank you.
  5. Givem a break! Its the best they could copy from somewhere else lol!
  6. Nice to see they are actually naming the culprits instead of the article being full of gaps.
  7. You have explained it all so well. It is clear from history thats its so much safer to side with the Chinese. The US has bombed and waged war extensively through this area......has the Chinese?
  8. Oh yes stick around, work your way up through the ranks and one day you too could become a dictator! Not impossible, been done b4 many times!
  9. RIP to the both of them. So young! Ridicule me if you like but one look at her pics and I smell trouble. Like many Thai women she looks an attention seeker and in my experience relationships with attention seekers often dont end well.
  10. INCORRECT! You must be an extremely unlucky guy! I have been using Aliexpress for years, maybe 5 or 6 times a month. Have had to cancell a few orders (3 or 4) over that time and always got a refund and usually before I go looking for it. Excellent service from Ali!
  11. Yeah it happens, Ive seen it with two friends laptops and with a kettle I used to have. The kettle eventually burnt out from all the dead ants but strangely there were no more bothersome ants attracted to the replacement kettle??
  12. Sounds like this guy is lonely so drinks, the more he drinks the more he is isolated, the more he is isolated the more he drinks.
  13. Are there any 'normal' farangs living in Thailand? Few years ago I heard there was one living in Chang Mai but after not hearing any more since then I suspect it was just another vicious rumour. When we lived in Bangkok, my wife, with her big heart, would often invite farang to join us when we were out, thinking I would enjoy English speaking company. After a while I had to tell her to refrain from these invitations because they always ended up negatively. One prime example was this young American teacher who bragged about having taught his school director how to burp the entire English alphabet!
  14. The Pink card is mostly handy for setting up lines or sorting seeds from your stash. Too soft for scraping paint.
  15. Buy some sex toys, hide them under his bed, call the police, problem solved - he'll probably get 20 years hard labour lol!
  16. Few years ago, when I was teaching in Bangkok, one of the girls who cleaned lunch tables at school had to rush home and change her T shirt once we translated the English on it for her. It read, and I have censored it, <deleted>> O-f Mother F--ker! She had worn it elsewhere for months but had no idea.
  17. I told you all, I warned you, how many times, that there was no benefit at all to having the Pink Card. Mark my words they will be coming after all you guys with the Yellow books next.
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