No it does the opposite, the thought of big money blinds them. My SIL and her friends are trying to get into the same thing right now but wont listen. Been ripped off twice already trying to get to Sth Korea ILLEGALY even with all the news and crackdowns. Now they are supposedly working while studying "traditional Thai massage" in Pattaya or Phuket but doing everything possible to hide their location on FB because everyone is trying to talk them out of working outside of Thailand. One of their work mates took off two days ago for a massage joint in Dubai even though the SIL says their boss doesnt send girls overseas.....seems she forgot that.So they know what they are doing is very risky business. And I know 3 of them well and none nor their families is in financial stress, one has a Brit boyfriend sending money every month!
Yes some get duped but mostly they know its very risky business and its mostly their own countrymen that exploit them but their greed is too great.