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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Reminds me as a kid some old granny telling my mum how, if she stood on her dining room table pushed up against the window, she could see what her neighbours had for dinner lol!
  2. Theaters of War 2022 IMDB 7.9 A vast new trove of internal documents reveals that the Pentagon and CIA have doctored thousands of film and television scripts. Media professor Roger Stahl engages an array of other stunned scholars, frustrated veterans, PR insiders, and industry producers. Stahl reveals in unsettling detail how the US military-industrial complex pushes a version of history that scrubs the screen of war crimes, corruption, criticism of the nuclear arsenal, racism, sexual assault, assassinations, and torture. From James Bond to Jack Ryan, Captain Marvel to Cake Boss, the creation of this other "cinematic universe" is one of the great PR coups of our time.—Disto4 Found on lookmovie
  3. Ukraine: The People's Fight 2023 IMDB 5.6 Filmmaker Olly Lambert spends two months on Ukraine's southern frontline with volunteer special forces as they begin the push to capture Kherson. How are they winning the fight? I found it on lookmovie
  4. The craziest thing is the American people voted for this degenerate as POTUS!!??
  5. You just dont understand "guided democracy" (they are not mature enough on their own yet). lol
  6. You had your eyes open in a taxi in Bangkok? Youre a better man than I am Gunga Din!
  7. Yes it seems making it, like a lot of drugs, is quite easy. Acquiring the precursers is the problem.
  8. Yes plus I took the next step and also got an online only a/c, no card, no book. Keep your main funds in the online a/c and transfer living expenses to the debit card as needed. Lose your card or get hacked you lose only a little. Works for me.
  9. To think we used to race home from school to watch him when TV first came out. Who'd have thought?
  10. Yeah just like another country who talks about war on drugs while sponsering the trafficking and sale of narcotics to its own people to raise money for weapons deals for the overthrow of some democratically elected Sth American government! Outstanding!
  11. Sad thing is its not a joke. (Well, it is to the elite and their bankers I suppose.)
  12. 1000 baht for a single guy aint too bad but yes its a fair whack when you have a family. Bottom line is, hidden in the ticket or up front thievery, it adds to the overall cost of a holiday in Thailand which would then be compared to Malaysia, Vietnam, PI holiday prices. Thailand you lose!
  13. First home visit after applied for 1st extension about 10 years ago. Tried to get diesel money from me but I directed them to the PM in office at that time (Yingluk?). They dropped it but then kept hinting at how they liked chicken soup. I hinted in return that I liked pizza and starred at them as though desperate for a response. Lol. They dropped it. Actually nice guys who couldnt help but try to put one on. They did come again one time. Cant recall but it was during some crackdown where they were out trying to look like they really were doing their job. We were home but somehow missed their calls at the gate. Found out later from 2 neighbours that when they couldnt raise us at home they questioned 2 neighbours to ascertain that I lived here and that I did so permanently. Seems that satisfied them as we never heard another thing. Not a big drama.
  14. Inside 2023 Willem Defoe IMDB: 5.5 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14781036/
  15. You should have seen it around the US bases in Spain in the 70's with the yanks driving their big chevvies etc in the donkey streets .........hilarious!
  16. I think it more accurate to ask "Is slippery bathroom tile mandated mandatory by law?"
  17. Schools here are notorious for deadly foyer floors seemingly designed to flatten kids running in out of the rain. But the important thing is they look real good for the parents.
  18. Hope it hasnt already been mentioned but "The Responder" 2022 BBC in my opinion is well worth a look. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11899030/
  19. I imagine the same experts who promoted the G200 bomb detectors lol!
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