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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. But you felt confident while you thought the unit was earthed didnt you? lol!
  2. I would be very surprised if the US was not medling, I mean why are they not medling?, like what has changed that would suddenly stop them from medling? Im just thinking of the norm here.
  3. I thought this was for the outgoing government mp's?
  4. I think caps on backwards look extremely stupid but others think they look hip, its all about personal choice.
  5. But hes a good time keeper!
  6. Maintenance is another concept totally foreign to Thais. Buy it new and keep running it until chewing gum, fencing wire and electrical tape wont keep it going any longer, then you buy a new one (unless somebody gets killed in the meantime).
  7. The Burning Sea (aka North Sea) 2021 IMDB 6.3 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12753120/?ref_=tt_mv_close I found it quite entertaining, better than you think by the cover. Avail on lookmovie
  8. Wow what a show! Thanks for the tip.
  9. The media is only joining the band wagon steered by some other party/ies.
  10. Lucky he was not drinking a cup of coffee or that would end up on the Controlled Substances List as well as the Substances Known to Kill with Impunity List! I would like to see 2 lists published here daily listing, with as many adjectives as possible, 1. every crime involving alcohol and 2, every crime involving meth, as it seems necessary now to mention every crime involving weed!
  11. A ground glass sandwich could end all these problems and ensure slow justice.
  12. Surely you can see through that game. Encourage others to join, for example that huge joke "The Coalition of the Willing", or you will suffer! Or its brought about by some rigged intelligence such as the WMD's in Iraq.
  13. You have just burnt 32 tonnes of completely useable drugs!! If thats not drug abuse I dont know what is!!
  14. Not enough room to mention all the invasions by the usa??
  15. as well as the conduits thru which to extract the spoils.
  16. I would like to see his reaction if it was two hefty canines torturing his two cats slowly for hours?
  17. Where did he get it? Is there any more around do you know?
  18. You dont carry your drivers lic in your wallet?
  19. They are both in English??
  20. Yes for me Marvel tends to bring about the urge for a sudden bowel movement, much faster than prunes or cod liver oil!
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