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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 22 hours ago, Pinot said:

    I get a notice that they can't complete the transaction and the order will say "Payment Pending"

    My wife is also seeing this as a seller.  She had an order from day before yesterday come through with the order status  saying "unpaid" in red.  Never seeing this before we assumed the buyer had not completed the payment part of the order.  Looking further I discovered in the order/customer details it mentioned it was a card transaction but said "payment pending" and "wait for status update"??  Late last night, 24 hours later, the order showed no payment warnings/pendings so I imagined the buyer must have just had some card problem but after reading your post it sounds like an Lazada internal problem.

  2. 19 hours ago, balo said:

    Sounds like sciatica to me.  I can't walk normal anymore, but I still do my daily exercise walking 10k . It can be painful, but I try to avoid any medication. 

    Same here.  Started with disc damage about 20 years ago and has now developed into arthritis in lower spine.  Cant be on my feet for more than 10 minutes because pain becomes unbearable.  I wouldnt let them operate (fused spine) back then because couldnt find anyone who was happy with outcome.  I wont use medication because you usually need powerful drugs for back problems....Ive been on slow release morphine, cerebex etc but every pill you take costs you somewhere down the line such as kidney, liver problems etc.  Just have to be careful what I do, lift etc and bare it.

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  3. As per usual the powers to be have no idea whats going on in the streets.  I watched a doc the other day on Thailands soaring suicide rates.  One thing they brought up was that the govt was ignoring the plight of the people by not providing help to the poor and those who have lost their jobs.  When they have provided handouts it has only been possible via a smartphone app which most of the poor dont have. 

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  4. The pot looks way too small for a start.  This leads to the tree being stressed.  Pests and diseases have a much better chance of thriving on a stressed tree/plant because natural defenses are greatly reduced.


    First thing I would do would be to put it in the ground with some compost mixed with the fill soil.  Make a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 2 drops of liquid soap and a drop or two of vegetable oil.  Spray the whole tree, particularly the infected trunk and branches and especially underside of leaves but not in hot sun.  This could be a long term task spraying every 5 to 7 days and dont be afraid to increase the baking soda by small increments each time if results are poor.  The baking soda will also reduce the acidicy which mildew thrives on. 


    Lastly I would also spend some time searching on Google for pest and disease symptoms on leaves that include yellow circular spots with black centres.  It somehow rings a bell but I cant remember for what unfortunately.  Some sites include picture charts showing symptoms of disease, pests and mineral deficiencies as well as incorrect Ph levels in the soil.  Good luck.

  5. On 7/23/2021 at 4:08 PM, Kwasaki said:

    I say nothing and just get on with my hobbies.

    Totally agree!  Someone once told me only boring people get bored.  I never get bored because like you I dont have enough time for my hobbies and I think its the main reason I dont get lonely even though I have been in isolation for months.  I have found for a while now that whenever I do have contact with people outside my gate I have problems.

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  6. Best to steer clear of anything Microsoft....they will do an update to fix the problem but the updates usually bring more problems.  Technological advancement eh, what did we ever do without it lol.

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  7. 6 hours ago, George Bowman said:

    The local hospital out here in the boonies has started vaccinating people over the age of 60. Since I’m over that threshold,  yesterday I decided to see if I could receive whatever vaccine. Basically, the officials said they were not allowed to vaccinate anyone other than Thais, but I could ask the Phitsanulok provincial authorities if they would give permission. 


    Unfortunately, they also said no and then offered some advice on how to proceed. It was then explained that as a ‘farang’ I could pay for the vaccine from a private hospital sometime in the future. Furthermore, they said the blame for no available vaccine was really America’s fault. Why? When the US government donated the 1.5 million doses of the vaccine to Thailand, they did not stipulate that any was to be given to American citizens...


    I knew all along this was all Americas fault lol! 

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