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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. This has been hashed over a million times.  Do a google search and read widely, see your local amphur first and find out their requirements for the yellow book.  It all depends on where you live....it varies greatly.


    This subject has always caused heated arguements on here in the past so much so I am wondering if aseannow has purposely brought it up to deflect attention away from the rebrand????ing of ThaiVisa??  ????(oh damn, emojis not working)


  2. Although you say there will be no changes I would like to suggest one but it would entail a bit of honesty.  Every day, 2 -3 times a day, I get the ThaiVisa newsletter emailed to me and every day the first 3 or 4 supposed 'forum' posts are in fact adverts??  Why cant they be listed as adverts so they can be ignored?  They are adverts pure and simple and its very obvious because the author is always the ThaiVisa Sales Team!!  I know its only a small thing but outright dishonest really bugs me and shows ThaiVisa ( sorry Asean Now) has no credibilty.


    Oh and I wonder will more adverts be jammed in here and there with the rebranding coz my poor Adblocker is overworked as it is with this site.  Unfortunately it doesnt work on the "Singaporians are dropping dead with surprise over this new toenail cleaner" type ads.  Surprised there are no Xray glasses ads too lol.

  3. Marvelous bit of thinking there.  Lets not keep  the covid restricted to a few construction sites around Bangkok, but shut them down and look the other way while the possibly infected can spread to every province in Thailand.


    Roadblocks, if anything like they are up my way, will be set up for sure but the only movement will be the guys down the back sharing a bottle of Lao Khao, having a BBQ and playing with their phones while people drive freely by.

  4. On 6/23/2021 at 12:38 AM, puchooay said:

    You may wish to check how much a Thai teacher gets after 20 years of service. "Ajarn3" grades get good money. Add on all the extras like pension and free health care for them and their families, I think you'll find their package walks all over that of most foreign teachers.


    Work harder? Most schools I have been to gove Thai teachers in the region of 16-18 teaching hours. Add to that, they do go out of school between classes, usually late for gate duty, come to school to sign in then disappear if their first class isn't until 11am. Thai teachers in Thai schools are untouchables and get away with much more than an expat ever could. I'm not moaning. Good luck to them. They do exactly what any expat would do if they thought they would get away with it.


    A toss up between being a Thai or expat teaching in a Thai school???? No contest.

    You must have missed the bit where I stated I can only speak of the organisation I worked for......the biggest I am sure.

  5. 11 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Imagine every country in this world would supply vaccines to all their citizens which are in other countries in this world. That would be a lot of vaccines flying around the globe. And for what? Most (all?) countries work on the vaccination of all the people in their individual countries. It just takes some time.


    As far as I see there is no foreigner in Thailand who didn't voluntarily come to Thailand, maybe except from prisoners. Many foreigners are in Thailand because they enjoy that Thailand is different from home. But then some complain that x and y and z is not like home. Make up your mind! What do you want? Thailand with all the good and all the bad? Or only those parts of Thailand which you like and otherwise your home country should take care of you. Really? 

    Good post.  It kinda reminds me of all the young Aussies who go (used to) to Bali, party 24 hours, drunk, race around on motor cycles with no experience, license or helmet, and then complain that the hospitals are not up to scratch and want the Australian Government to bring them home.


    But I can also see some expats thinking that we still have to pay taxes back home, and often more as expats, but what do they get for it considering they are abroad?  Should their government step up to the plate in a crisis and protect its citizens and just put it down to the cost of doing business?

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Jajazazajaja said:


    poor quality? Well the WHO disagreed 


    According to the WHO, which recently granted both vaccines “Emergency Use Listings”, Sinovac’s vaccine efficacy stands at 51% against symptomatic disease and 100% against severe disease.


    If we can 100% eliminate severe COVID then this pandemic is over


    do you understand?

    I think its you who doesnt understand whats going on here.........its not about the Sinovac vaccine, its about the fact its Chinese made so it will never be any good according to some.  But at least the Muslims and N,Koreans are getting a break.

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  7. 2 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

    Just look at one site--Amazing---the whole series of Gorge Gently 2007--2017 is on Pirates....& many series of Folyes war  2002 onwards---wow,...shows you how popular they must have been

    And I am now watching Foyles War on Dailymotion (I laugh at that name) where it seems they have many if not all seasons.


    Foyle's look somehow reminds me of Syd James and I keep waiting for the punch line lol!


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  8. 7 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Singaporeans were trained by their government decades ago to follow the law. I well remember flying through Singapore many years ago, and having hair cut by immigration officials before allowing me to enter as it was below my collar, and chewing gum was banned, that was confiscated as well.

    An obedient and compliant population

    Agreed,  I recall being in Singapore in the 80's.  I always like to see the non-tourist areas and one day was walking alongside a canal in the back streets and spotted a push bike leant against a fence.  A small suitcase was strapped to the back carry-all of the bike and the bike was not chained.  What surprised me was the bike and suitcase had been there that long that creepers had grown all over the bike and yet no-one had stolen it or even opened the case to see whats inside.  Dont think I could see that anywhere else.

  9. 14 hours ago, clivebaxter said:


    In the first episode they had a suspect taking money out of a cash machine with a card he stole off a victim, next to his photo fit in the window of the bank. The officer said he was not in any danger as the photo fit looked nothing like him and added 'that's all i'm going to day about that'. Even though they knew the wanted man was black they did the photo fit looking white so not to offend. Breaking into old ladies homes and raping some in the early hours for 17 years, what did his family think he was doing?

    I was quite stunned when in I think episode 2 the detective inspector assisting Sutton in a murder investigation announces quite frankly "So what we need to do now is investigate who is responsible" lol!  Who else would you be looking for? 5555!

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  10. On 6/20/2021 at 8:01 PM, jaiyenyen said:

    The Real Manhunter.

    High profile murder cases in the UK, investigated using old fashioned police work, by one particular detective and his team.



    I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode, thought it looked a very good series.  However from episode 3 onwards it was just constant repetition with at least 3 people all repeating the same stuff like an American news broadcast.  In addition, the constant over the top praise for Colin Sutton (who happens to also be one of the writers) made it quite boring.  He might really be a nice capable bloke but I found it too much.  I didnt get past episode 5..

  11. I worked as a teacher for 10 years at one school which was part of a very large chain.  Most operated the same.  Other schools outside the chain I couldnt comment.  I took the job on knowing what to expect by asking both the admin and other teachers.  Back then we got a bonus each year (added to salary every month) if you did everything you signed up to do.  Those like you who didnt want to do duty or had too many sickies etc etc got no or next to no bonus and they were always the ones complaining about low salaries 5555!  Those who didnt want to keep to what they agreed to when applying for the job also made it difficult for those who had no problem keeping to their word.  Little extras were taken off everybody everybody just because a few selfish losers couldnt be bothered.  For example some would sneak home early or if they had a few hours before the next lesson.  We had one guy who used to go fishing!!  As a result the school locked the gates and wouldnt let anybody leave during school hours....everybody suffered.  Nobody could simply go out to pay bills or meet for lunch during their lunch break  .  Very rarely were people sacked.


    In addition Thai teachers work almost twice the hours us long noses do and we are paid a lot more.  This can cause unrest among the natives which is why we often had to come in after exams and everything is finished and just sit in our offices while the Thais had their exams.


    Not much different to working anywhere and in any job, if you take the job on then clearly you cant complain afterwards if you dont see sense in what you agreed to.

  12. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    A poll has revealed that the vast majority of Thai people


    7 hours ago, webfact said:

    The "Super Poll"


    7 hours ago, webfact said:

    1,069 people from all social strata were asked questions

    This is a joke right?  The overuse of adjectives is always a giveaway of something not quite right lol.


    But back on topic I seem to remember around April/May last year the poll results were exactly the opposite with the 'vast majority' not wanting farang in the country as we were blamed for bringing in Covid19.  I guess we are forgiven now they are broke.

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  13. On 6/10/2021 at 12:39 PM, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Yup, I get the feeling that each movie tries to outdo the last in terms of action but unfortunately this is at the expense of realism and the storyline suffers.

    Now back down to earth :


    A 3 part mini series about 2 characters and their experience in a U.K. prison.

    Sean Bean plays a school teacher who finds himself, after a terrible decision, in prison and over his head, facing violence like he has never seen before .

    Stephen Graham plays a prison officer who finds himself with a difficult decision to make, it’s going to end badly whichever way he decides.

    Excellent stuff IMHO, available on iPlayer, fmovies and probably elsewhere .


    Thank you, that was excellent, had my full attention from go to wo.  Very impressed with Sean Bean's performance and have always loved British shows, they cant be beaten.

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