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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. I have a 2013 Toyota Vigo, bought new off the showroom floor, now struggling to break through 36,000 kms.....we never go anywhere.  Brother in law bought his Isuzu p/up the year before me but I reckon he would not have done more than 25,000.   It sits in the driveway as a show of wealth.....very common in the villages especially when after the loan is paid each month there is nothing left for fuel.  Its a Thai thing.

  2. On 7/18/2021 at 10:32 AM, worgeordie said:

    Check to pedals for wear , low milage should have nearly no wear,

    higher clocked motors will have worn pedals, unless they have changed

    them too, then there's always the service records, 

    regards Worgeordie

    That is a very good idea however Thais dont use the pedals seeing the brakes always fail......I read it in the news often.

    • Haha 1
  3. On 7/16/2021 at 5:15 PM, Andrew Dwyer said:

    “ Three Girls “ (2017)

    3 part drama from BBC based on the grooming of hundreds of teenage girls by   several middle age men, many with wives and families, in Rochdale, U.K..

    Focuses on the mistakes made by the police in assessing the enormity of the situation.



    A YouTube documentary called “ Betrayed Girls: The Rochdale Scandal” also available if you prefer a more factual account.


    Either way , a harrowing story.



    Excellent series, thanks.  Doesnt give much confidence in the justice system......as per usual.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    There have been a load of threads on the Yellow House Book and Pink ID over the past couple of years. 


    The take away from ALL of those threads: 


    1) The vast majority of those who have the Yellow House Book and Pink ID have stated that it has been useful.


    2) A lot of those who do not have the Yellow House Book and Pink ID have stated it is useless. 



    Those who do not have the Yellow House Book and Pink ID seem to think applying for it is too much trouble which may influence why they think it is useless. 


    The reality: A Yellow House Book and Pink ID card is by no means a necessity. But, it has been proven to be quite handy for many who have it.


    Having gone through the process a few years back, yes, securing the Yellow House Book and Pink ID involves a little leg work, it was worth it for me.




    I have saved money on Affirmation of Residence letters from Embassy (I’m not usually in Thailand longer than 90 days at a time and thus never to a 90 day report and thus cannot get a letter of residence from immigration).


    I registered for the vaccine with on the Mor Promp App using Pink ID, I received AZ at the beginning of June. 




    The whole debate around the Yellow House Book and Pink ID is utterly ridiculous...  other than the leg work involved in applying, there is no downside to holding those documents, but there can be advantages of cost saving, time saving and also ensuring you are ‘in the Thai system’ for vaccines and in the near future booster vaccinations. 





    You have missed a lot in your 'take away' research lol.

    • Haha 1
  5. Passport would have been enough in most cases if you insist.  Especially in some areas where they dont even know what a pink card is.  Thai officialdom like the pink card coz its all in Thai whereas passport is not.  Some Thais almost pass out if confronted with anything but Thai lol!  I got my first AZ shot with passport only and booked for 2nd in October.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    I did't see him forking out some, little some, of his vast fortune to help any Thai people during this harsh economic times either by helping with food or god forbid try to buy some vaccines on the open market and spend some of the multi billions he made on the back of his people, re-elect him? for what benefits? so he can make MORE money?... he's no leader, he's an opportunist...

    Put it down to the cost of doing business.....everything is seen as an investment.

  7. Thailand approves self-tests, self-isolation as COVID-19 cases climb

    They dont have much choice!  The people know they can rely on the govt to get their act together, as recent polls have shown, so the people are left to fend for themselves the best they can.  Not the ideal solution because difficult to keep tabs on the number of infections as Smedley has already pointed out but then again the people have little alternative and  who believes the govt figures anyhow?

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